Game save backup

Just wondering if it would be possible to make backups of the save games, say give option to save to iCloud or make it accessible thru iTunes. I just don't want to think of possibility of something happening and losing the save game!
Answer found here:
Unfortunately it was buried in page two of this forum..
It ought to be pinned to the front for new members to find..
Can a moderator please sticky the thread?
This is the solution until Beamdog comes up with a permanent Cloud solution that works on all platforms, they've made the commitment to do that, but it'll take them some time, as they've got a lot to do right now, with the patches for the pc and ipad and the upcoming releases for Mac and Android.
And it worked nicely.
I understand the focus being on bug fixing, its certainly important.
Just wanted to know if the save game backup was being considered is all. The linked forum thread will do for now until some iCloud or whatever solution is implemented in the future.
To forum administrators,
I am requesting for the following threads to be pinned, I am seeing a lot of new threads being created regarding the information on thees:
thank you,
Calling @Tanthalas or @Nathan to pin the above important threads to avoid multiple threads on the same subjects please.
I DEFINITELY don't advocate overloading Trent or such with pin requests, but we can CERTAINLY use some pinning love in this forum to help our iPad users with their questions.
And even though I have no affiliation with Beamdog or those who work for/with them, I'd like to thank both @Bytebrain and @D3V11_ (there are a couple others also) in this forum for their help keeping these threads answered and organized, adding new and GOOD information for the community and just overall keeping the forums here sane!
You guys are doing tremendous work!
Aww, thanks man, that warms the heart.
Really, the guy responsible for keeping things organized in the iPad section of the forums is definitely you!
I'm just chiming in here and there,but you've really put some hard work into helping people and organizing the important info here.
So BIG thanks to you.