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Fairly serious Summoning Bug

EdwinEdwin Member Posts: 480
edited January 2013 in Not An Issue
The last patch (update 5) seemed to have brought this on, as a 7th level cleric now pulls 2 giant Skeletal Warriors but this shouldn't happen until 15th level...Hugely OP.
Post edited by Jalily on


  • JarlealeJarleale Member Posts: 114
    They are not ordinary skeleton warriors. I used Ctrl+Q.

    Following stats:
    HP: 20, AC: 6, THAC0: 15, Dmg: 1D8+1, 1 APR.
    Resistances: 100 % cold and poison, 25 % magic, 40 % slashing, 50 % piercing, 60 % crushing.
    Saves: 5/7/6/5/8
    STR: 16
    DEX: 9
    CON: 9

    Almost as useless as an ordinary skeleton and definately not worth a 3rd level cleric slot.
  • EdwinEdwin Member Posts: 480
    @Jarlemale Then it is confusing in more ways :-)
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Those skeleton warriors are scaled to caster level, becoming stronger as levels progress.
  • EdwinEdwin Member Posts: 480
    @lunar Thanks for the clarification. Most users familiar with the game just see the big ole skeleton warrior sprite and, like myself, assume that is what they are and not some leveled thingy.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited December 2012

    They are no way as tough as 'skeleton warriors' we all know and love. Maybe they should be named 'greater skeleton' or something.

    The skeleton warriors summoned by this spell:

    At lvl5-6

    AC 6 HP 20 THAC0 18 Dam:long sword SAVES 5/7/6/5/8 Resistances:Cold 100 Piercing 50 Slashing 40 Missile 60 Magic 25

    At lvl7-10 (gets a magical weapon)

    AC 4 HP 40 THAC0 15 Dam:long sword+1 SAVES 5/6/6/5/8 Resistances:Cold 100 Piercing 50 Slashing 40 Missile 60 Magic 45

    At lvl 11-14 (big buff in attacks and strength)

    AC 3 HP 60 THAC0 13, ***# ATTACKS 2, 18/51 STR!!***, Dam:bastard sword +1 SAVES 5/6/6/5/8 Resistances:Cold 100 Piercing 50 Slashing 40 Missile 60 Magic 65

    lvl 15+ (final buff, massive magic resistance)

    AC 2 HP 80 THAC0 10 # ATTACKS 2, 18/51 STR, Dam:Two handed sword+1 SAVES 5/6/6/5/8 Dam: Resistances:Cold 100 Piercing 50 Slashing 40 Missile 60 **Magic 90 **
  • The_CheesemanThe_Cheeseman Member Posts: 175
    I just did some testing with a multiclass Cleric/Mage, and the two different versions of Animate Dead make for quite the roller-coaster of skeleton power! As mentioned upthread, there are 4 distinct tiers of skeleton warriors summoned, but they don't seem to progress at the same rate for divine and arcane casters, at least not for this multiclass character. Here is a chart that summarizes the levels at which each class gets which tier upgrades:

    Exp; Cleric/Mage
    0; C1/M1
    3,000; C2/M1
    5,000; C2/M2
    6,000; C3/M2
    10,000; c3/M3
    12,000; C4/M3
    20,000; C4/M4
    26,000; C5/M4 (Divine: Tier 1)
    40,000; C5/M5
    55,000; C6/M5
    80,000; C6/M6
    110,000; C7/M6 (Divine: Tier 2)
    120,000; C7/M7
    180,000; C7/M8
    220,000; C8/M8
    270,000; C8/M9 (Arcane: Tier 1)
    450,000; C9/M9
    500,000; C9/M10 (Arcane: Tier 2)
    750,000; C9/M11 (Arcane: Tier 3)
    900,000; C10/M11
    1,350,000; C11/M11 (Divine: Tier 3)
    1,500,000; C11/M12
    1,800,000; C12/M12
    2,250,000; C13/M13
    2,700,000; C14/M13
    3,000,000; C14/M14
    3,150,000; C15/M14 (Divine: Tier 4)
    3,600,000; C16/M14
    3,750,000; C16/M15 (Arcane: Tier 4)
  • The_CheesemanThe_Cheeseman Member Posts: 175
    I forgot to mention, every tier of skeleton summoned by Animate Dead also drops its sword on death. They probably shouldn't do that.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316

    I forgot to mention, every tier of skeleton summoned by Animate Dead also drops its sword on death. They probably shouldn't do that.

    The sword coast shall be brought into turmoil. Not by the hand of Sarevok, but rather by me selling Long Swords +1 to merchants on mass. :D

    (You are right though this is an obvious error that should be addressed).
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Jarleale said:

    They are not ordinary skeleton warriors. I used Ctrl+Q.

    Ctrl+Q seems to nothing for me, what context do you need to use this in?
  • AprilApril Member Posts: 39
    You have to enable debug mode for Ctrl+Q.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    April said:

    You have to enable debug mode for Ctrl+Q.

    Okay, I've used Ctrl+Space to open the debug dialog, but Ctrl+Q still doesn't seem to do anything, am I missing a step?
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    You have to use the cheat to activate debug keys....CLUAConsole:EnableCheatKeys()

    Yeah, Arcane shouldn't ever get version 1 unless their casting from a scroll before level 7. Other then that, it looks fine.
  • EdwinEdwin Member Posts: 480
    @elminster "Viconia's Superior Salvaged Swords Store" ! :p
  • RagnarokRagnarok Member Posts: 26
    I would really like to see some ghast randomly summoned with this spell! Like, I don't know, 20% ghast vs 80% skeleton warrior. It would be awesome to have a ghast and a skeleton warrior fighting alongside you! Of course, the ghast should scale as the skeleton.

    Yeah, they should probably NOT drop their sword hehe.
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