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[No Issue] Crushing damage with every weapon?

DurlachionDurlachion Member Posts: 82
edited December 2012 in Not An Issue
I run a small test concerning weapon damage types and it seems, every weapon/spell does additional crushing damage. Is this correct?
Or, to be more specific: The trigger "HitBy(Player1,Crushing)" returns true everytime. I have never played D&D, but why should a simple dart "crush" somebody?

Maybe a skilled modder can check my test script? It is my first attempt and hence it might be unnecessary complicated... or even wrong, be nice to me :D. You have to start a new game, go to Winthrops Inn and attack Firebead to your heart's content. The damage types he receives will appear in the lower text box...

Why does this bother me at all: HitBy() is not only used by me, many other scripts use this as well... if this behaviour is wrong, those scripts might not work as intended.
Post edited by Avenger_teambg on


  • WooWoo Member Posts: 135
    D&D has slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning,(I assume crushing) This should only be applied to maces/clubs etc.
  • DavidWDavidW Member Posts: 823
    Don't worry: HitBy(x,CRUSHING) has always worked this way, and indeed many scripts assume it.
  • DurlachionDurlachion Member Posts: 82
    @Woo @DavidW Thanks for those fast responses!

    David: So, it is just the HitBy trigger that behaves this way? Armor with special protection/vulnerability from some damage type will still work as it should?

  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    edited December 2012
    Yes. This is an old bug which would cause more problem if 'fixed'. Only the scripting interface is buggy, but scripts have been built on this in all infinity engine types. HitBy doesn't detect the damage type.
  • DurlachionDurlachion Member Posts: 82
    Ah, insightful. I'll keep that in mind. So, I'll call this a "no issue" from now on...
    Thanks again!
  • WooWoo Member Posts: 135
    This just makes the belt that gives bonus AC vs crushing damage all that more valuable.
  • DurlachionDurlachion Member Posts: 82

    @Avenger_teambg said, it is just the HitBy which is errorneous. Therefore the belt should - if I understood this correctly - still not apply for slashing, piercing and all kinds of magic...
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