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Quick Load and/or Rest Crash

rectifierrectifier Member Posts: 15
After beating the game with a party I've been playing the game solo as a Fighter/Thief and I've been using quick saving and quick loading to make trap setting quicker and less of a hassle.

Basically I quicksave before setting a trap and re-load until successful. When I am, I quicksave again and attempt resting, and re-load until the rest isn't interrupted; and this process is repeated. I pretty much do this to make certain encounters manageable, rather than for pure cheese.

In any case, it appears that when I do this too quickly I crash the game. Problem is, I can't alt-tab to view the crash information, so I can't actually tell if the crash is occurring because of a quickload, resting, or both.

Here's a dropbox link to the four crash dumps that I have so far:

I believe one or two the dumps are actually from the final encounter crash, so the two later dumps are probably the most useful to look at.

In summation, quickloading/resting is expected to load or rest, and a crash from doing either of these two actions (or perhaps both) too quickly is the unexpected behavior.


  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    Quicksave+load caused me a crash too while testing something, it is already reported.
  • rectifierrectifier Member Posts: 15
    Whoops, sorry if I duplicated a report, though perhaps these crash dumps can help.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    edited December 2012
    See if you can still get this in v2011?
  • rectifierrectifier Member Posts: 15
    After spamming save/load/rest in various configurations the bug appears to be squashed from my point of view
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