Choosing that sixth party member for a Nuetral Good Party. (Very cool story)

Hey all.
Back at it again with a Cleric / Ranger (My first ever play-through was w/ a C/R)
He's Neutral Good and has ++Hammers, ++Flails, and ++Dual Wielding at lvl 1!
During my travels it seems that Dyaneir and Khalid seem to have been turned to stone by Basilisks after a first nights camp following up the Gnoll Stronghold. (They were looking for a place to wash their cloths and *Bam*, they were taken by surprise....)
Since I can get them unfrozen later and leave them out of the group, this leaves my current party:
01. PC: Torwind Do'Nado Cleric / Ranger
02. Jaheria
03. Minsc
04. Imoen
05. Neera
But for that coveted 6th position...I'm considering the following four:
01. Rasaad
02. Coran
03. Kivan
04. Viconia
I'm wondering if I should just take Rasaad on...or maybe give Coran or Kivan a try. If I take Kivan I've got a very Ranger-centric thing...if I take Coran I get another thief which is extremely flexible. OR...I could take Viconia..though I'll have to keep my rep at a certain that first step towards turning her good.
Either way I'm kind of parking everyone so I can level them up myself.... but who would you take?
Back at it again with a Cleric / Ranger (My first ever play-through was w/ a C/R)
He's Neutral Good and has ++Hammers, ++Flails, and ++Dual Wielding at lvl 1!
During my travels it seems that Dyaneir and Khalid seem to have been turned to stone by Basilisks after a first nights camp following up the Gnoll Stronghold. (They were looking for a place to wash their cloths and *Bam*, they were taken by surprise....)
Since I can get them unfrozen later and leave them out of the group, this leaves my current party:
01. PC: Torwind Do'Nado Cleric / Ranger
02. Jaheria
03. Minsc
04. Imoen
05. Neera
But for that coveted 6th position...I'm considering the following four:
01. Rasaad
02. Coran
03. Kivan
04. Viconia
I'm wondering if I should just take Rasaad on...or maybe give Coran or Kivan a try. If I take Kivan I've got a very Ranger-centric thing...if I take Coran I get another thief which is extremely flexible. OR...I could take Viconia..though I'll have to keep my rep at a certain that first step towards turning her good.
Either way I'm kind of parking everyone so I can level them up myself.... but who would you take?
My first choice would be Kivan because in BG1 archery is king, but then again, Coran is just as deadly as Kivan with a bow, and as you pointed out yourself, having two thieves adds variety.
I always liked havng both Jaheira and Viconia around (they're always in my BG2 parties), because you can never have enough priest spells at your disposal. Having another healer leaves Jaheira free to focus on the more destructive Druid spells.
But then again, you're playing a Cleric/Ranger yourself, so you already got two priests.
So I guess I would take Coran or Kivan. I personally like Kivan better, but then, one thief is always more than enough for me, and I always take Imoen.
Madhax I am very tempted to take Rasaad and keep him because he's new and I think that's cool / interesting. I rescued Viconia and took her in even with the rep drop just so I could go back to her later if I wanted. I took a look at Ajantis and he's like Keldorn without the personality, so I don't want to suffer someone lawful good if I don't have to take them.
A point in Rassaad's favor is that he can port to the next game. Which everyone else I have in party can also do.
I might not need neera, but she's the best caster aside from Edwin, so I'm kind of liking the idea. Plus she starts off with Identify, and that's been useful.
Kilivitz, why do you prefer Kivan to Coran? Is it a stat thing? Story thing? I'm just curious.
I was thinking of maybe ditching Neera after a time and taking both Coran and Kivan if I can, but getting to cloakwood in Chapter 2 seems not possible in EE?
You could get Rasaad briefly so as to complete his quest, I hear there's a great belt to be had - One that would make Jaheira much more viable in melee.
You can always ditch Coran later on once Imoen has regained her thief skills & get Kivan. Better yet you could keep Coran & have his skills laid out slight differently to Imoen, so both with open locks & find traps but there's other skills to have them focus on - Imoen could assign some points to detect illusions while Coran could put some into set traps/pick pockets.
I also like getting my party together ASAP, so I tend not to use NPCs that are only available later. That makes me biased towards Kivan, but of course, it's a totally subjective thing.
If I wasn't doing that I'd Dual Class Imoen fairly early and take Coran. He's still a good Archer and probably a second Mage is more useful than the differential between him and Kivan.
From the list you gave I would probably take Kivan. Your C/R and Branwen can tank and Kivan can drop enemies like flies with his bow.
This is pretty similar to a lot of BG2 playthroughs - getting a specific NPC for the duration of their personal quest then dropping them for the next NPC. A bit meta-gamey, true, but it means you don't miss out on too much of the new stuff.
HELM... YEA!!!
1. Ajantis
2. Khalid
3. Jaheira
4. PC: Lirazel Amastriana (elven swashbuckler, Chaotic Good)
5. Rasaad
6. Imoen
In this case, I had two pure combat tanks up front, Jaheira was my only spellcaster (also a good tank in the ankheg armor), two sets of thief skills to rely on (Imoen could backstab/detect traps and I picked up all the utility work), and Rasaad was my venture into the new NPCs. He's a genuinely nice guy with a cool quest to do, and he works out fine after his first couple of levels. I used him largely as a ranged combatant until he reached about level 4 or so (fast XP table so not too hard to get him there), then sometimes he'd be a backup tank or someone to smack down archers/mages/skellies. When he ends around level 8, Rasaad is actually formidable in some of the gear mentioned above, and even without it he gets to AC 0 pretty easily. His fists are making 2 attacks per round at d10 damage I think? Anyhow, while he's not the most crazy-effective NPC in the game he grows into his powers and I like his character and his quest. If you don't try Rasaad on this run-through, give him a try on some future one.