game bug after killing saveros

how can you guys explain that,,, game is working good, until i arrive to kill saveros and those 3 frinend,, i kill the mage, then saveros, he die, and then a little movie appear that say saveros is dead, AND THEN, the game ultimately lag,, and then it redirect me to the main menu where i can load game or save game,, WTFFFF......
how are we supose to finish this fight,,,,,,,,,, wow... some one can explain that to me please. if i save the same, and i try to load it there, game redirect me again to menu where i can save or load game.... its really frustrating
is it the end of the game or wut,, because it give 15 000 xp but i still have to kil 2 of those, im a level 7.,. and my party is full hp, and as soon the little movie that say saveros is dead, game redirect me to main menu to save a game or load one,... please lol,,, help
how are we supose to finish this fight,,,,,,,,,, wow... some one can explain that to me please. if i save the same, and i try to load it there, game redirect me again to menu where i can save or load game.... its really frustrating
is it the end of the game or wut,, because it give 15 000 xp but i still have to kil 2 of those, im a level 7.,. and my party is full hp, and as soon the little movie that say saveros is dead, game redirect me to main menu to save a game or load one,... please lol,,, help
Its not a bug, as soon as you kill Sarevok the game ends. Its just people normally get to kill everyone else first because they're easier to deal with.
Though that doesn't mean that this issue couldn't be improved.
thank for your answer
thank to answer caus i dont really understand that
If you want to do more stuff with your character in BGEE, the only thing you can do is load an earlier save and only kill Sarevok after you've done everything that you want to.
and i hope there is going to be a bd2 ee edition,,,,finished the game in about 2-3 week, was nice but the end is bad,,, you should be able to just continue playing around,,