Auto avatar changing for robes/armour etc.?

Does anyone know if there is a script or a mod that is compatible with BGEE that will automatically change a character's avatar depending on what they're wearing? e.g. when a fighter/mage puts robes on, the avatar would change to the mage one, when he/she puts armour on it changes back to the fighter one, or for a fighter/thief, they get the thief avatar when wearing studded leather or leather (perhaps even for elven chain), but the fighter one when wearing metal armours, and something similar for cleric/thieves.
I know there was something like this that worked with BGT and Tutu, and I'm also aware of the avatar morphing script from the BG2 Tweak Pack Cosmetic Changes ( ), though that doesn't change the avatar automatically, which would be a pain for a fighter/mage who swaps robes for armour often.
I know there was something like this that worked with BGT and Tutu, and I'm also aware of the avatar morphing script from the BG2 Tweak Pack Cosmetic Changes ( ), though that doesn't change the avatar automatically, which would be a pain for a fighter/mage who swaps robes for armour often.
@Oxford_guy You don't want the BG2 Tweaks "avatar morphing script" component, but rather the Galatygon one further down the readme.
Or - is the BG2 Tweaks version (the "Galactygon's tweak pack component") a safer bet?