If i kill my girlfriend or boyfriend... can i get a new one?
Say i complete a romance with a char am i then locked in? what if they had a terrible accident? what if i dont quite complete the romance?
In BG2, unless you add mods, you may only have one romance that goes all the way to the end. There are several critical story events in BG2 that all of the romances pivot around, and, while you may have more than one active in the earlier chapters, they are all written to force you to choose one before the major scripting events in later chapters.
The mods I mentioned will allow you to have "free love", but a lot of the stories will not make sense that way. Also, as I have never played a multiple-romance modded game to a certain extremely critical story event, I have no idea how the mods would handle it, since this critical story event is definitively something that happens to the one romance interest.
The one thing the mods would allow you to do would be to experience multiple *very* hard combats in BG2 that are related to your romance interests.
Bottom line - I wouldn't worry about it in BG:EE. If you just *have* to see all three "romance" dialogues, (or is it just two?), I'm sure you could just look them up. The game is not scripted to have multiple romances active.
LOL. I hate to spoil any BG2 virgins, but the said "critical moment" is kind of a turning point of the game. Would you actually find yourself fighting five-to-one plus Bodhi and her lessers?