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Rasaad (and the other "new" NPCs)

ScotGaymerScotGaymer Member Posts: 526
edited November 2013 in Not An Issue
So I am wondering.

Wtf is up with Rasaad's AI in this latest patch?


I am experiencing a really annoying irritating problem with him (and not as bad with Neera and Dorn), and it is forking irritating as fork.

Okay basically the minor problem i formerly experienced with all the new NPCs (but not the old one) was that sometimes I would need to click a place twice to get the new NPCs to move there. Annoying but managable.

But since this latest patch I am still getting that problem, but now with Rasaad I am getting a much worse one.

Basically I click somewhere and he begins walking there and then part way there his AI will interrupt the command and he will walk back to stand ON TOP of the PC. And when you are trying to use him to scout ahead, its a REALLY irritating problem.

Expected behaviour? For him to NOT do that.

And for all the new NPCs to not require multiple mouse clicks to get them to obey a command. It's ONLY with the new NPCs. The old ones continue to behave correctly.
Post edited by Balquo on


  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    Do you have Rasaad set to the Control script by any chance? It sounds like Follow mode is on. Try hitting the "S" key while Rasaad is selected.
  • ScotGaymerScotGaymer Member Posts: 526
    I am unsure lol.

    I will check, and try that. See if it solves the more annoying problem.

    Thanks @Jalily !
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