(Spoilers) Dialogs: What they couldn't enhance.

When I first heard that Overhaul couldn't change the game dialog, my heart sank just a little. To me, despite the writing goodness of a good deal of the Baldur's Gate series, both games always appeared to me schizophrenic when it came to their dialog. Very little consistency in writing and style that would even allow words like "cool" and "moron" to make it to the vocabulary of the protagonist and NPCs alike.
This is a thread, if you so wish, to post those bits of dialog you would love to see a firm editor's pen on, but which will never happen outside the mod community.

PS: Thanks @belgarathmth for the instructions on how to post an image.
This is a thread, if you so wish, to post those bits of dialog you would love to see a firm editor's pen on, but which will never happen outside the mod community.

PS: Thanks @belgarathmth for the instructions on how to post an image.
Post edited by marfig on
As for the occasional wacky dialogue option like the one linked, the tarrasque one or dinkamus littlelog etc, those are just fun, parts of the game really.
I'm also biased against what I feel is saucy humor. On this case, a long rant purposely constructed to call for a laugh, not because its smart but because its irreverent.
I dislike how a lot of the dialogue often has you be a completely humble goody-goody or a total douche. There isn't much middle ground a lot of the time. Take for instance a conversation with that named farmer lady in southwest Nashkel. She says something about how hard things are and what bad times we live in, etc.
To this you can either respond something along the lines of "Oh my, but whatever could be wrong in this beautiful pastoral setting?"... which on top of being incredibly cheesy is a really stupid question, unless you're being sarcastic. At this point you must at the very least know about the iron crisis and Nashkel mine having trouble. Quite likely you have also been approached by that guardsman telling you about Brage.
The other option is something like "Hey, it can't be that much worse down in the mines than up here on your filthy dirt farm."
Why is there no 3rd option where you can just ask "What in particular is it that troubles you?" or something like that? Nah, you have to come across either as ignorant or douchey. There are lot of those scattered throughout the game.
That it resonates with the player as well is just a happy circumstance. Or not, I suppose.
I do agree that the response trees for many dialogues would've benefited from accommodating a more reasonable breadth of approaches to accommodate different player and/or roleplaying styles.
It is unfortunate that sometimes you realize the best response is to not engage the particular NPC in conversation at all if you can help it.
I find that one of the most inappropriate lines in the entire game. My argument isn't even about what I perceive is bad humor, but the fact it is completely misplaced in time. It's something you'd expect charname to say much, much later in the story.
Anyways, alright! It's a *ugh* popular line. But that's not the point, is it?
It's completely optional. You don't have to even glance at it. What were you doing hassling Portalbendarwinden in the first place?
The Mass Effect games always gave you some more options for responses, but pushed you to make the more extreme ones to max out your morality bar.
Plus, y'know, it's the best line in the series.
Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!
It's also a very fitting thing to say, considering what the character's been through. And Elminster is kinda famous in the FR. Not to mention CHARNAME probably met him numerous times while growing up in Candlekeep