CWheezy's Black Pits review and discussion! (Spoilers)

Hello, I am some guy named CWheezy, and here are my correct opinions on the black pits!
The Good:
-Making a min maxed party can be pretty fun, if time consuming. 1 Int half orc warriors everywhere? Yes please!
-The voice acting is great!
-The secondary parties you meet are pretty awesome, I enjoyed their banter quite a bit. A lot of the characters feel pretty cool, and how they shift as you get closer to killing the drow holding you hostage is nice.
-Instant free rests is great to get your party in the correct adventuring shape, that was a good feature.
The Bad:
-The black pits pretends it has a gold limit for you to spend, but you can replay old combats an infinite amount of times for basically unlimited gold and xp, so that is a weird design choice
-The npcs don't "Remember" that you already talked to them, so sometimes to buy things you have to skip through some things.
-I was hoping for some type of escape, or a jailbreak, or something like that. Instead the drow breaks down and you kill him even though that is basically a lose/lose situation for him (He loses his most popular gladiator or he dies and loses everything). The arena battles are nice little puzzles to complete, but I was hoping for more than just rest and kaboom.
-Immunities to the +1 weapons generally bones some characters, like my shapeshifter druid. It kinda sucks my werewolf gets to be a flat caster for the last 7 fights or something like that
The Troll:
-Selling quivers of unlimited +1 arrows and bullets when all the enemies after the shops upgrade to the new quivers are immune to +1 and lower. Woo hoo, unlimited totally useless actions for my archer!
The Good:
-Making a min maxed party can be pretty fun, if time consuming. 1 Int half orc warriors everywhere? Yes please!
-The voice acting is great!
-The secondary parties you meet are pretty awesome, I enjoyed their banter quite a bit. A lot of the characters feel pretty cool, and how they shift as you get closer to killing the drow holding you hostage is nice.
-Instant free rests is great to get your party in the correct adventuring shape, that was a good feature.
The Bad:
-The black pits pretends it has a gold limit for you to spend, but you can replay old combats an infinite amount of times for basically unlimited gold and xp, so that is a weird design choice
-The npcs don't "Remember" that you already talked to them, so sometimes to buy things you have to skip through some things.
-I was hoping for some type of escape, or a jailbreak, or something like that. Instead the drow breaks down and you kill him even though that is basically a lose/lose situation for him (He loses his most popular gladiator or he dies and loses everything). The arena battles are nice little puzzles to complete, but I was hoping for more than just rest and kaboom.
-Immunities to the +1 weapons generally bones some characters, like my shapeshifter druid. It kinda sucks my werewolf gets to be a flat caster for the last 7 fights or something like that
The Troll:
-Selling quivers of unlimited +1 arrows and bullets when all the enemies after the shops upgrade to the new quivers are immune to +1 and lower. Woo hoo, unlimited totally useless actions for my archer!
But otherwise, I don't think I caught that gold-limit hint, but maybe it was implied by being surrounded by NINE DIFFERENT VENDORS each with VARYING AND SOMETIMES INCOMPREHENSIBLY PRICED ITEMS that the money you earned from battle was part of the game and not just a method to get you to talk at people to further a veil of a plot all the while gearing you for tactically rich battle.
Also yes, the shapeshifter kit is boned in general, haven't even considered using them until they get some tender loving.
And one thing you might not have picked up on. That Improved Cloak of Protection +2? That's a ToB level item. Improved haste, improved invisibility 1/day, also capable of being worn with other items of protection or enchantment levels on armor. Utterly overpowered. I love it. It's mine. You can't have it. No, really.
I just thought it was a funny joke played by the devs where they give you this awesome item but it is actually totally useless and a waste of gold
I guess I was a bit lucky in that I was able to just barely use my spells to take care of the first challenge when stuff started being immune to normal weapons(can't remember what type of enemy it was). It never occurred to me that one might be out of cash at such a point(and thus be unable to buy any +1 weapons).