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Sorceror Dilemma, need Help

Ok I want to make a sorcerer and Ive heard that all the ability statistics do not matter where you put.

However, I remember Baldurs gate II relies heavily on Charisma as a basic statistic. So can someone explain to me whether I should Pump 18 on Charisma or not in preparation for badlurs gate II?


  • szbszb Member Posts: 220
    It makes no effect on your spellcasting. Charisma only effects 3rd edition sorcerer spellcasting. (all baldurs gate games are 2nd edition)

    Charisma effects are:
    -lower prices at shops
    -better quest rewards in some cases
    -makes npcs who hate eachother less likely to start a fight

    But these can be also achieved by putting a high charisma npc into the leader position. So unless you have a roleplaying reason, there is not much point in having 18 charisma.
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    edited December 2012
    No stats matter for BG2 either. 18 dex for ac, 16 con for hp. 18 cha for lower shop prices. And I guess str for carry weight.
  • XivirielXiviriel Member Posts: 166
    edited December 2012
    You definetly dont need 18 charisma, especially in bg 2 where you can get a ring that sets your charisma to 18 pretty much righ out of the gate (in the circus tent).

    If you are planning on using the Wish spell then you'll want to put 15 in wisdom and use all three bg 1 wis tomes on yourself to get to 18.

    Also max your dex and get 16 constitution (15 if using the tome) and plan to have one extra point somewhere to sacrafice in BG 2 Spellhold.

    Strength is also nice for carrying weight, but not essential.
  • aldainaldain Member Posts: 332
    You might as well go for maxed Charisma. Yes, there's a ring in BG2 that sets it to 18, but then you have to either keep that ring constantly equipped on someone (denying them a ring slot for other stuff) or remember to equip it every time you want to talk to someone, which you'll eventually forget...

    Otherwise, 15-18 WIS is good if you intend to take Wish in BG2. 15 WIS if you're going to hog all the WIS tomes for yourself, otherwise 18. 16 CON for +2 HP per level. 18 DEX for -4 AC. That's about it.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited December 2012
    Be an elf so you can get 19 DEX, which gives +1 bonus to hit with ranged weapons IIRC. (And get melf's minute meteors as your first 3rd lvel spell, and you will slay anything with ease!)

    17 or 18 (if you are not an elf, obviously) CON is helpful so you have breathing room, in case your familiar dies. You will lose constitution but if you drop back to 16, you won't lose HP bonus. If you drop from 16 to 15, you will lose 1 HP/level.

    INT is useless for a sorcerer. If you drop it too low you will suffer lore penalty, you won't be able to identify magicacl items just by looking at it. (right-clicking) Same for WIS.

    18 CHA is very helpful in quest rewards, in most instances you get a few gold as reward, if your CHA is 18 you get a magical item.
  • LordRumfishLordRumfish Member Posts: 937
    I hear-tell some folks mentioning illithids' attacks in BG2 work in increments of 5 points of your INT before you die per attack, i.e., INT 5 or less, death in one hit, INT 6 to 10, death in 2 hits, etc. Still a very narrow reason combined with lore to consider it as a stat, but it is SOME sort of mechanical effect tied to it.
  • szbszb Member Posts: 220

    I hear-tell some folks mentioning illithids' attacks in BG2 work in increments of 5 points of your INT before you die per attack, i.e., INT 5 or less, death in one hit, INT 6 to 10, death in 2 hits, etc. Still a very narrow reason combined with lore to consider it as a stat, but it is SOME sort of mechanical effect tied to it.

    If your in melee with your sorcerer against ilithids, your doing it wrong.
  • RomulanPaladinRomulanPaladin Member Posts: 188
    Xiviriel said:

    If you are planning on using the Wish spell then you'll want to put 15 in wisdom and use all three bg 1 wis tomes on yourself to get to 18.

    Certainly could. Another option is just hording potions of insight: they set your WIS to 18.

    Be sure to take identify as a spell sometime if you don't have a bard. With the Ring of Wizardry, you'll be able to cast it 12 times a day, as needed. An extraordinary convenience, IMHO.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    szb said:

    If your in melee with your sorcerer against ilithids, your doing it wrong.

    Sorcerer and Mage are the best classes to tank mindflyers.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    Against mindflayers, make sure to precast protection from magical weapons and spell immunity enchantment. Also wear the ring of free action and you are all set.

    Or you can cheese it with cloudkill and lock them up.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    szb said:

    It makes no effect on your spellcasting. Charisma only effects 3rd edition sorcerer spellcasting. (all baldurs gate games are 2nd edition)

    Charisma effects are:
    -lower prices at shops
    -better quest rewards in some cases

    Yes, and also whether some NPCs will join you in the first place.
    szb said:

    -makes npcs who hate eachother less likely to start a fight

    Are you sure? I've never seen a reliable source that documents this effect
    szb said:

    But these can be also achieved by putting a high charisma npc into the leader position. So unless you have a roleplaying reason, there is not much point in having 18 charisma.

  • szbszb Member Posts: 220
    edited December 2012

    szb said:

    -makes npcs who hate eachother less likely to start a fight

    Are you sure? I've never seen a reliable source that documents this effect

    I've read it here on the forums somewhere but also based on personal experince.

    With my 6 charisma dwarven fighter/cleric, Xzar/Montaron and Jahiera/Khaild was at eachothers throats pretty much after we left the Friendly Arm Inn, but with my 18 charisma bard we went trough Nashkell and the bandit camp with no problem.

    But of course I don't know how random is the trigger of the fight is, so it might have been just coincidence.
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