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Vocalize + stealth/invisibility?

Reading the spells in the manual and tought about this. Anyone tested it before? If you cast vocalize before going invisible/stealthed, will it be possible to cast spells witouth being noticed?


  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    Spell casting is an action more strenuous then walking, so probably not. Vocalize only removes the sound component of spells, it doesn't remove the hand signs and such. Invisibility especially is very delicate to excessive movement.
  • BlackIvoryBlackIvory Member Posts: 75
    what about improved invisibilty then?
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    Vocalize doesn't change whether spell casting breaks invisibility. It is irrelevant to that. It only means that you can't be silenced.
  • szbszb Member Posts: 220
    Well the spell description states that it allows casting spells witouth making any sound so why does it break invisibility then?
  • BISHDPBISHDP Member Posts: 19
    You could always cast spells and attack when under Improved Invisibility. The difference is that you become somewhat visible when you do so. You can't be targeted by spells but you can be attacked.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    szb said:

    Well the spell description states that it allows casting spells witouth making any sound so why does it break invisibility then?

    For the same reason that picking a ring off the ground does. (I.e., game mechanic).
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    Because a spell isn't just a sound. Most of them also have gestures and hand signs, and that is beyond what invisibility allows. Anything beyond simple movement breaks invisibility, improved or not. Spellcasting, opening doors or containers, picking things up, etc will all break invisibility, because it's complex movement.
  • OurQuestIsVainOurQuestIsVain Member Posts: 201
    This is something I thought of too when I was a kid first playing this game. If you read through the spell description of the spell vocalize carefully it fully implies that you should be able to cast vocalize and invisibility and never be detected. I never tried it out though, I usually play non-caster characters.
  • tyl998tyl998 Member Posts: 144
    It sucks that I can't summon monsters out while invisible like you can in 3rd ed.
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