Thief kits, skill points, and Shadowkeeper

I like to use Shadowkeeper to give NPCs some kits that they wouldn't normally have, but there seems to be a bit of a problem: if I use it to turn a regular thief into an assassin or bounty hunter, they keep getting the 25 points the vanilla thief gets, even though they should only get 15 or 20 points, respectively.
What's up with that and how is it fixed? It makes me feel like I was cheating.
What's up with that and how is it fixed? It makes me feel like I was cheating.
Yeah there seems to be a problem. Using the exact same steps, it works fine in BG2, but EE always gives them 25 skill points.
You may disagree, of course.
Kits add color and character. Making Kivan a ranger or a stalker (both fit the character) means you can have both a Kivan and a Minsc in your party without feeling like you have duplicate characters. Making Imoen a swashbuckler makes a lot of sense if you see her as a character that would never stab somebody in the back, but would say "Come on, let's go on an adventure!!"
What the OP is saying is that if he's going to add the kit, thus gaining the advantages of the kit, he also wants to balance that out by making sure he has the DISADVANTAGES associated with that kit. Because there's a world of difference between saying, "I think Minsc should be a Berserker instead of a Ranger" and saying, "I think Minsc should be a Berserker/Ranger who can still hide in shadows and charm animals, but can also gain grandmastery, level up faster, and dual to thief." One changes the character, good and bad... The other just tacks on extra powers.
Ajantis as a cavalier.
That's all I can think of, the rest work fine as is, or the kits that would best suit them aren't implemented.