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Black Pits - solo no-reload challenge

I was wondering if anyone had tried this: beat the Black Pits a) without reloading and b) with a single solo character, created or imported from a BG:EE game (whichever his level).

I just tried with my Halfling Cleric (lvl.8) imported from a failed no-reload attempt at BG:EE. I got killed in the battle featuring the 4 ankhegs, which is a pity because a few of the ones before that seemed tougher... the ankhegs made short work of my summons, and surrounded by the 4 of them I was losing HP's way too fast in spite of AC -5...

Talking about summons in the pits: there are 2 pits and the summons you left over in the previous battle will stay and stack. So if you left say 3 summons in one pit, and are teleported to fight in the other pit, then your total summon limit for that battle would be... 2.


  • NecroblivionNecroblivion Member Posts: 210
    I will come back from work and I will try to do it with my level 9 sorc. I was able to kill all the Iron Throne leaders in Candlekeep only with him, though I heard that the black pits is quite hard.
  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    It was my first time in the Pits and the biggest issue was not knowing what I was going to face... I ended up having no spell that could trouble the ankhegs. Obviously a Sorcerer will not have that problem!
  • AlexDeLargeAlexDeLarge Member Posts: 273
    edited December 2012
    I finished Black Pits on Insane difficulty no reload, but i built an insanely strong 6 man party to do so. (also redid many of the fights for more gold and XP, so i was pretty much maxed out in the final 2 battles)
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