Werewolf island: solo Cleric challenge *spoilers*

I have tried several times to beat the Greater Wolfwere (GWW) with a solo Cleric, on that BG1 island. Never could. Weapon restrictions mean you cannot damage him whether in melee or range, which means there are only wands and spells left to do so / his regeneration rate made this impossible for me.
Has anyone tried? succeeded? does anyone think it is feasible? Difficulty set on core.
Has anyone tried? succeeded? does anyone think it is feasible? Difficulty set on core.
But if I had to make it work... perhaps some save-lowering debuffs followed by spamming Flamestrike from wands? You'd probably need a summoned tank to survive long enough, and I'm not sure if it would be enough to overcome his regeneration. Plus, if you're already on the island or have used up some of the finite flamestrike charges in the game, you may not be able to do that.
Another idea was to cast as many Poison spell on him as possible - they do stack...
I _know_ this works for a mage using skull trap, but again in that situation I found using a powerful spell here, and there wasn't working for me because of his regeneration so I had to go from 100% to dead in one gigantic blast.
Put a bunch of glyphs of warding somewhere on the level below him, walk up stairs, talk to him, walk down, and after he comes down and is on top of you walk him over to it and boom. I'm like 99% sure that will work given how it worked with skull trap.
Skull trap is save for half... I was thinking Glyph of Warding was the same but you are right its save for none... that might be a problem.
Does the glyph go away when resting? Or can you stack as many as you can cast, rest, restack, rest, restack and stack enough so that the odds are in your favor?
Failing that maybe you can open with a doom, walk him onto the glyphs, and if he doesn't die sanctury and run out, rest and retry until he gets bad dice rolls?
The other thing you might try are potions of Firebreathing; those deal 6D6 damage twice over two rounds I believe. Apply repeatedly and run in circles (helpfully killing all the other weres), and maybe you can build up enough damage to outdamage his healing factor.
@Pantalion: maybe with several characters using several wands of heavens you could kill the GWW. I don't think you can do it with a single guy. Not enough damage. Potion of firebreath is however, an excellent idea. The damage dealt is severe. I really want to try stacked Poison spells as well.
If that's true then I'd just cast like a bigazaillion glyphs of warding, immune to lighting yourself, open with doom. Even if only 1 in 10 glyphs hit him... if you made enough.... Boom.
I now want to try that on the Demon Knight on the top floor. Think I'll do that when I get home.
The best piece of advice I can offer is to make sure you are not saving and loading in the actual shipwreck. Save and load immediately outside. There is a bug wherein loading a game inside an area in which the GWW is can cause the regeneration to stack, stacking as many times as you load and save.
Thanks. That might explain why every time I hit him he appeared to go back to full health and I had to end up blowing his face off in one go.
Basically, if you load the game in the shipwreck, you'll end up loading a character with twice the regeneration. If then you tweak your load out, save again (then die) then load, he'll have triple intended regen. It was a problem in the old BG2 engine that I've read some have encountered here.
I should be able to further investigate this sometime in 2015 when I finally manage to get a character and/or party to that fight.
On charts, I believe they should heal maybe 1HP/3 seconds, no? Sadly, they were always bugged to unearthly foes in BG2. Checking teh interwebz won't help plenty because many argue they are supposed to completely heal at the end of the round (which is a big big lie).
A Wand of Heavens deals 8d6 damage per strike, 1/2 if save, and you get one strike per round. If he saves (and his saving throws must be very low....) the wand will deal max 24 damage and on average a puny 12 damage. He might from time to time, fail a save in which case it is max 48 and average 24 damage. So I think it is fairly safe to say that a solo player cannot kill him with the Wand of Heavens alone - at best, it can complement a more effective way of damage.
BG1: Instant/Limited (0)
BG2: Instant/Permanent until Death (1) (this seemed to cause stacking problems with Greater Wolfweres in BG2; Greater Wolfweres in that game started with innate 4hp/second regen and the "ring" added 6hp/second on top of that, stacking every reload)
BG:EE: Instant/While Equipped (2) (I think this timing mode was the common solution to the BG2 regen problem in bugfixes for that issue)
Maybe this difference (between BG1's timing mode and BG:EE's) is why the encounter is not what some classic BG+TotSC players remember, in terms of difficulty.
From what I recollect, a Wand of Heavens in a cleric's arsenal should indeed be all that is really necessary to handle the Greater Wolfwere.
This should be doable.
I figured it would be even easier than with skulltraps since you can run through them with protection from lightning on and trigger them together.
For the skulltraps you'd have to place them in a good place, and then use boots of speed / haste to run around them so you wouldn't trigger them and bait him into walking straight to you through the traps. When you used the skulltraps was that more or less what you did or is there a smarter way to use them?
There is probably a smarter way to use them, but that is what I did. I put them next to the cabin (testing it first with one and checking to make sure I could run by the side of the cabin without triggering the spell) then dashed against the side of the cabin and looped around to the other side of the traps which led to him running straight through them. I actually had to summon multiple ghasts for the express purpose of setting the unused spells off. If you used the glyph wards, you could set them off yourself with a protection from lightning spell or some potion/boot/scroll combination.
(Here is a rough recreation with my character's path as the "Y"):
. . . Y . .
. . . . Y .
. . . . . Y
. . SKL . . YCabin
. . . . . Y
. . . . Y .
. . Y . . .
The problem is that Sarevok has some massive electrical resistance in addition to awesome saving throws.
I just tested. With roughly 70 glyphs out there and after "dooming" Sarevok, he was only down to 'barely injured' status with him suffering only 2 or 3 damage per failed saving throw. (Semaj and the rest of the crew were not so lucky even though they generally made most saves).
Skull traps, on the other hand, work just fine against Sarevok.
I haven't tested glyphs of warding against the GWW but lightning bolts worked just fine (except they didn't injure him more than once despite passing through repeatedly) so I am guessing this would work.
Personally, I won't use this technique against Sarevok but will against the GWW. The game gives you other, much less cheesy ways of defeating Sarevok. GWW, on the other hand, are pretty much invulnerable against any solo character using blunt weapons.
I was mainly just curious if it was feasible.
Sounds like theoretically it is if you don't mind literally using 1000+ glyphs, but ignoring how cheap it is there would be faster ways.
I'd rather just beat him in the head with a mace, but the RP idea of Saverok not knowing you'd been outside his hideout for a day putting a lot of traps down and him charging you and BOOM is hilarious to me.
More like in and out of his hideout for a good month or so! 4 per day x 3 times per day = 12 per day. 30 days = 960 glyphs (minus the ones that the bats set off).
If you do this with a mage, the greater malison + doom might work a bit better as well.
I guess for Saverok it is a better concept with skull trap given his electrical resistance and skull trap is still half damage on a save.