NPC joined with higher level inconsistencies

I found this little chart about NPCs "automatic progression". I wonder if they are fixed. Anyone?
Post edited by ankheg on
Regardless I believe I understand your question, and the answer is: no.
NPC Proficiencies Guide v2.2 by Felinoid
1. Intro & Disclaimer
2. Weapon Proficiencies (in alphabetical order)
3. Thieving Skills (for thief variants only)
4. Remix Proficiencies & Skills (TM)
5. Version History
6. Last Words
1. Intro & Disclaimer
First my little disclaimer: I know there are some things in here that don't
make sense (e.g. Quayle's level [2/2 w/ only 2000XP each?] and large sword
proficiency, Coran's levels and bow mastery, & Safana's spear proficiency), and some
discontinuity or missing proficiencies (Alora, Branwen, Eldoth, & Minsc), but I'm
simply quoting from the game.
NOTE: Fixes for Alora, Branwen, Quayle, and Safana can be found in my
NPC Remix Pack (also on SP).
Now that that's over with, I'd like to welcome you to the first FAQ that
I've ever written for anyone other than myself. (The rest are all in my personal
shorthand.) So if you have any questions or comments, or even find any mistakes,
please feel free to PM me at SP. If you aren't registered at SP, why the hell not?
Or, if you don't even know what I meant by 'PM me at SP', you should register at
Sorcerer's Place ( and PM me about who sold off this FAQ as
their own.
Sorry about the ranting||, but it took me many long hours to make this FAQ,
and the idea of somebody else profiting from my hard work makes me angry. And you
wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
2. NPC Proficiencies
Lv2 Large Sword++ Bow+ Blunt Weapons+
Lv4 Large Sword++ Small Sword+ Bow+ Blunt Weapons+
Lv6 Large Sword++ Small Sword++ Bow+ Blunt Weapons+
Lv4 Small Sword+ Missile Weapons+
Lv6 Bow+ Missile Weapons+
Lv2 & 5 Blunt Weapons+ Missile Weapons+
Lv3/3 & 5/5 Large Sword++ Bow+++
Lv1, 2, & 4 Missile Weapons+
Lv6 Blunt Weapons+ Missile Weapons+
Lv1, 2, & 4 Blunt Weapons+
Lv6 Blunt Weapons+ Missile Weapons+
Lv3 Small Sword+ Missile Weapons+
Lv5 Small Sword+ Bow+ Spear+
Lv3 Blunt Weapons+ Missile Weapons+
Lv5 Spear+ Blunt Weapons+ Missile Weapons+
Lv1 & 2 Small Sword+ Missile Weapons+
Lv4 & 6 Small Sword+ Bow+ Missile Weapons+
Lv1 & 2 Small Sword+ Bow+
Lv4 & 6 Small Sword+ Bow+ Blunt Weapons+
Lv1/1 Blunt Weapons++ Missile Weapons++
Lv4/4 & 5/6 Small Sword+ Blunt Weapons++ Missile Weapons++
Lv1 & 2 Blunt Weapons+ Axe++ Missile Weapons+
Lv4 Blunt Weapons+ Axe+++ Missile Weapons+
Lv6 Blunt Weapons+ Axe++++ Missile Weapons+
Lv1 & 2 Large Sword++ Bow+ Axe+
Lv4 Large Sword+++ Bow+ Axe+
Lv6 Large Sword+++ Bow++ Axe+
Lv2 Bow++ Spear++
Lv4 Large Sword+ Bow++ Spear++
Lv6 Large Sword++ Bow++ Spear++
Lv1 & 2 Large Sword++ Spiked Weapons+ Axe+
Lv4 Large Sword++ Small Sword+ Bow++
Lv6 Large Sword++ Small Sword++ Bow++
Lv1/1 & 1/2 Small Sword++ Missile Weapons++
Lv3/4 Small Sword++ Missile Weapons++ Axe+
Lv5/6 Small Sword++ Missile Weapons++ Axe++
Lv2/2 Spiked Weapons+ Missile Weapons+
Lv4/3 Large Sword+ Spiked Weapons+ Missile Weapons+
Lv6/5 Blunt Weapons+ Spiked Weapons+ Missile Weapons+
Lv2 Small Sword+ Missile Weapons+
Lv4 & 6 Small Sword+ Spear+ Missile Weapons+
Lv2 Large Sword++ Small Sword++
Lv4 Large Sword++ Small Sword++ Missile Weapons+
Lv6 Large Sword++ Small Sword++ Missile Weapons++
Lv4 & 6 Small Sword+ Bow+ Missile Weapons+
Lv2/2 Blunt Weapons+ Missile Weapons+
Lv4/4 & 5/6 Blunt Weapons+ Spiked Weapons+ Missile Weapons+
Lv2 Blunt Weapons+ Missile Weapons+
Lv4 & 6 Blunt Weapons+ Spiked Weapons+ Missile Weapons+
Lv2 & 4 Small Sword+
Lv6 Small Sword+ Missile Weapons+
Lv1, 2, & 4 Small Sword+
Lv6 Small Sword+ Missile Weapons+
Lv2/3 Blunt Weapons++ Missile Weapons++
Lv4/5 Blunt Weapons++ Spiked Weapons+ Missile Weapons++
3. Thieving Skills
Lv4 PP 80% OL 80% DT 20% MS 40%
Lv6 PP 100% OL 100% DT 20% MS 40%
Lv3/3 PP 40% OL 60% DT 20% MS 78%
Lv5/5 PP 40% OL 80% DT 20% MS 98%
Lv1 PP 25% OL 25% DT 30% MS 30%
Lv2 PP 25% OL 25% DT 40% MS 40%
Lv4 PP 25% OL 25% DT 60% MS 60%
Lv6 PP 25% OL 25% DT 80% MS 80%
Lv1/1 PP 35% OL 25% DT 10% MS 50%
Lv1/2 PP 45% OL 25% DT 10% MS 60%
Lv3/4 PP 65% OL 25% DT 10% MS 80%
Lv5/6 PP 85% OL 25% DT 10% MS 100%
Lv2 PP 20% OL 50% DT 25% MS 15%
LV4 PP 20% OL 70% DT 45% MS 15%
Lv6 PP 20% OL 90% DT 65% MS 15%
Lv4 PP 50% OL 45% DT 30% MS 45%
Lv6 PP 60% OL 55% DT 40% MS 55%
Lv2/2 PP 25% OL 35% DT 30% MS 25%
Lv4/4 PP 35% OL 45% DT 40% MS 35%
Lv5/6 PP 45% OL 55% DT 50% MS 45%
4. Remix Proficiencies & Skills
Lv4 & 6 Small Sword+ Bow+ Missile Weapons+
Lv4 PP 60% OL 60% DT 50% MS 50%
Lv6 PP 70% OL 70% DT 60% MS 60%
Lv2 Blunt Weapons+ Missile Weapons+
Lv5 Blunt Weapons+ Spiked weapons+ Missile Weapons+
Lv3/3 PP 40% OL 55% DT 50% MS 48%
Lv5/5 PP 40% OL 75% DT 70% MS 48%
Lv1 PP 25% OL 25% DT 10% MS 50%
Lv2 PP 35% OL 35% DT 10% MS 50%
Lv4 PP 55% OL 55% DT 10% MS 50%
Lv6 PP 75% OL 75% DT 10% MS 50%
Lv2/2 Spiked Weapons+ Missile Weapons+
Lv4/3 & 6/5 Blunt Weapons+ Spiked Weapons+ Missile Weapons+
Lv2 Small Sword+ Missile Weapons+
Lv4 & 6 Small Sword+ Large Sword/Blunt Weapons/Bow+ Missile Weapons+
Lv2 PP 20% OL 30% DT 30% MS 30%
LV4 PP 20% OL 45% DT 45% MS 40%
Lv6 PP 20% OL 60% DT 60% MS 50%
Lv4 PP 25% OL 75% DT 10% MS 60%
Lv6 PP 25% OL 95% DT 10% MS 80%
Lv2/2 PP 15% OL 40% DT 40% MS 20%
Lv4/4 PP 15% OL 60% DT 60% MS 20%
Lv5/6 PP 15% OL 80% DT 80% MS 20%
5. Version History
v1.0-06/14/05 The birth of a FAQ
v1.01-06/15/05 Fixed the margins
v1.1-07/31/05 Was unable to reproduce Coran's 5/6 level, so I took it out.
(He had the same proficiencies anyway.)
v2.0-10/16/05 Added thieving proficiencies and Montaron's 1/2 level.
v2.1-11/01/05 Added Quayle's 6/5 level and some shameless promotion of my Remix.
v2.2-05/05/06 What's promotion without info? Added section on the Remix
proficiencies and skills.
6. Last Words
Wait, you're still reading? Well, I didn't have anything prepared, but here
it goes...
I'd like to thank everyone who managed to read the whole way through my
amateur FAQ, not to mention SP for agreeing to distribute it. If you really liked
it, and want to post it on your site, contact me via the method mentioned in the
intro (PM me at SP). If you have any comments, questions, or errors that you found,
I would also appreciate it if you let me know. Any error fixes or missing info I will
give you full credit for when I update this FAQ.
Thank you again from your friendly, neighborhood humanoid-cat,
(C) 2005 Felinoid
If the former, that chart is outdated for sure. I don't know the new breakouts, but, if nothing else, the game was converted to the BG 2 engine, which means stuff like Large Sword and Small Sword don't even exist anymore.
Shadowkeeper is a must...I mean for god sake Minsc comes with ++ Two Handed Sword and ++ Two Weapon Style
Shar teel is a mess. The list is endless
Shar-Teel: Ranged attacks with Crossbow, TWFs with a Longsword and a Dagger? Entirely thematically appropriate and a valid weapon choice.