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Rasaad the monk of dying

Hey guys,

I'm a experienced gamer and I play baldus gate for over 8 years but I just cant toughen Rasaad a little up because he cant wear armors and I only can have just one ring of protection. Because of his monk speed he is always the first to battle and the first to die. And beside that he is just weak , every weapon I give him is just like 2 to 9 and his bare fists dont work either. He always gets held or poisend and he dies before I can heal him or cure him. So if someone knows a way to strength him up thank you.

Sorry if my english isnt perfect and if someone already asked this :)


  • ShadowHunterShadowHunter Member Posts: 143
    He isnt a problem when im fighting with people but espacially spiders, ettercaps, ankeghs,...... Monsters where u cant use him tactically are a problem
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    Monks are weak at lower levels.
  • ShadowHunterShadowHunter Member Posts: 143
    Elof said:

    Yes... use the guy who isn't a front line fighter to fight like a front line fighter and then complain that he doesn't fight like a front line fighter and dies all the time like someone who isn't a front line fighter.


    Well thats the problem ive putten him to back still he is the first to set off and then I have to rescue him over and over and over ;)

  • IkMarcIkMarc Member Posts: 552

    Elof said:

    Yes... use the guy who isn't a front line fighter to fight like a front line fighter and then complain that he doesn't fight like a front line fighter and dies all the time like someone who isn't a front line fighter.


    Well thats the problem ive putten him to back still he is the first to set off and then I have to rescue him over and over and over ;)

    Make the extra one click to keep him back?
  • ShadowHunterShadowHunter Member Posts: 143
    Yeah could do that but still doesnt change the fact that he is weak
  • GruloGrulo Member Posts: 109
    If you have a druid in your group cast Barkskin on him. Also, i would remove any script on him so he stops charging in. You might have to manually control him fora while but as many people have already said, monks are weak in low levels.

    I played a monk once in BG2 and let me tell you, he was a beast once he got to higher levels. Never had to babysit him again.
  • GruloGrulo Member Posts: 109
    edited December 2012
    Also, there are some gloves in "The Black Pits" that give you +4 Damage and Thac0 if you are attacking with your bare hands. Excellent for monks of course, but i dont know if there is a way you can import those to the main game.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376

    Elof said:

    Yes... use the guy who isn't a front line fighter to fight like a front line fighter and then complain that he doesn't fight like a front line fighter and dies all the time like someone who isn't a front line fighter.


    Well thats the problem ive putten him to back still he is the first to set off and then I have to rescue him over and over and over ;)

    If he is doing only 2-9 damage anyway, have him use a sling. That way he will stop at the range of the sling when you have the group attack.

  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    Yeah...Monks are garbage at low lvl, but much like a mage they become ridiculously strong as their level goes up. But since they aren't shouldered with spell slots to hold them back, they take a little longer then mages to hit the sweet spot where they become gods of destruction.
  • KomarrKomarr Member Posts: 80
    After he gains a couple levels I use Rasaad to take out ranged foes since his movement rate increases each level.
  • egalor_originalegalor_original Member Posts: 92
    I cannot agree more about Rasaad, the Grand Master of the Order of Dying :)

    I even thought that I utterly suck at playing BG, after recruiting him. Nice thing seeing I am not that retarded (at least not the only one) :))
  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    My advice is do what I did. Shadowkeeper and change his class lol
  • doomdoomdoomdoomdoomdoom Member Posts: 89
    Personally, playing the game again I probably wouldn't bother recruiting him until I'm done with all the stuff that lets you enter BG city. His quest line is worth completing in any playthrough for one really good magic item, but it only really starts within BG (so there's no point getting him early).

    And at that point he should be autoleveled to L6. He'd be 8 HP off his max, but at least he'd already have most of the stuff monks can get within the XP cap (some AC boost, 1d10 fists with 2 attacks, decent thac0) to make him serviceable. So you wouldn't have to babysit him through the levels when he isn't of any significant use at all. And your frontline fighter would have boots of speed, so him running ahead all the time wouldn't be an issue. And then in the city you can get a couple more AC boosting items and give them to him if you choose to keep him in your party beyond his quest finale.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    Give him the gauntlets of dexterity (sets Dex to 18), Ring of the Princes (lowers AC by 1), and use the Shield Amulet (casts the Shield spell). You can sell and buy back the amulet, which recharges it. At least until a better item comes along you could have him wear a belt that either reduces AC for slashing or piercing weapons. There's also a cloak that lowers AC by 1, although I don't recall if a Monk can wear it.

    That gear gets his AC low enough that he won't get hit very often.

    The real problem with Rasaad that I see is THACO. It's not great.

    And for that reason I have him attack targets that have low AC. Who has low relatively AC? Mages. So I send him right at the mages and have him use Stunning Blow. If there are no mages I have him attack archers which forces them to melee.
  • secretfiresecretfire Member Posts: 65
    If you shadowkeeper his Wis to 16, and lower his thaco by a point or two, and raise his hp slightly, he's amazingly badass. I mean, you don't even need to blatantly raise THACO or HP - just a little, and he shifts. The constant stunning of enemies in combat with a script on is amazing.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Gloves of Dex help him somewhat. He is no tank, though. Attacking from shadows for +4 to hit with a stunning fist is helpful, though. If you land one on a tough enemy and then flee, (he can run fast!) turn a corner and instantly hide again. The tough enemy may be stunned for a good time, even.
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    edited December 2012

    I refuse to give him the the Gauntlets of Dexterity. Because he only gets a 2 point boost and Jaheria gains 4 to Dex in my Neutral Good party with it.'s my list:

    1. I have Jaheria memorize Barkskin once for when I need it.

    2. I gave him a + Single Weapon Fighting Proficiency for extra +1AC bonus and he now has a Rasad Talon Scimitar +2 which works very well with that when he needs to watch his AC.

    3. I give him a +1 Protection item (I think he's got a ring on, might be a cloak, I'd have to check)

    4. I don't sell his boots since they help a lot.

    He gets down to 0AC with without Barkskin this way.

    I always keep a sling on him at the moment, but when he gets a second Weapon Proficiency I am going to put a + in Darts next and give him Darts of Wounding.


    Bascially, I start off every fight with him using a sling...he joins the fight with the +2 weapon, taking advantage of his fast movement rate after I'm reasonably sure he won't get hit...if the creature isn't immune to regular weapons I swap to his fists a round or two into the melee portion of the fight for him so he turns into a little chainsaw with his multiple attacks.

    I have only put his thief skills into Move Silently and Hide in Shadows so he can run away if he has to and hide.

    He is by far the weakest link in my party when it comes to how fast he can die, (other than Imoen who is always ranged for the most part so that delicate balance isn't there) but I kind of like him, his fists can be brutal as he starts to level up and yes he'll take a hit here or there if I get sloppy and need a heal after a fight...but I play on insane and he has only caused a death / reload maybe twice the whole game. (I'm at level 5 going on 6...and we've cleared most of the southern coast and the upper levels of Durlag's tower already). He's not a mainline fighter. But he is cool.

    I have to admit I am not using stunning blow as of yet, I intend to try it out when he's leveled a bit more...but my party kind of streamrolls at the moment, so...if it ain't broke....
  • gesellegeselle Member Posts: 325
    Yes ok he is weak, and what? You know what? Play a party and take eldoth or garrick, two bards, both weak as dirt compared to a mage or a fighter/thief. You have a problem with him, don't take him. There were threads discussing him being weak, even before the game was released, and after the release their number even increased.

    Pick a sling and let him attack from afar, until he reaches higher levels. monks are not tanks and scale very well until higher levels; as a experienced BG gamer you should know this.
  • jhneohjhneoh Member Posts: 42
    I shadowkeepered his Dex to 18. He's ok now.
  • karnor00karnor00 Member Posts: 680
    Rasaad is incredibly weak at low levels.

    His armor is equivalent to a mage without any protective spells.

    His attacks/round are much worse than a dual wielding fighter (particularly one specialised with their weapons).

    His THACO isn't as good as a fighter of equivalent level, nor does he have any strength or specialisation bonuses to improve this.

    His bare hand damage is much lower than weapons.

    Sure, you can give him a sling and keep him alive at the back but hes not much better with a sling than a mage - and who would want a mage in their party with no spells?

    The only thing he has going for him is that he runs fast. So you can use him to kite enemies around while the rest of your party shoot at them (hi Drizzt!). But its a pretty cheesy way of fighting - any sensible opponent would stop chasing the monk and go after the rest of the party.
  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330
    my problem with rasaad is that he is a monk..

    A monk with low strength and moderate dex.

    In BG:EE he just wont be as viable as the other NPCs.. Sure you can use him but you're gonna end up having another ranged character for a good bit of the game.

    In BG2 he will rock socks but for now he is kind of a dead weight.

    When compared to dorn (i know this comparison is often made) He is practically worthless

    With 19 strength and an overpowered weapon from the beginning Dorn hardly misses and when he hits he does huge amounts of damage.. He is about as squishy as rasaad but he can wear plate mail, use life steal, poison weapon, and aura of pain.

    I think if they were going to balance these NPCs they should have given Dorn a regular 2h to start and allow you to get Rancor through his side quest..

    Also at least give rasaad 18 strength so that he can hit more often and compete a little with the fighters in melee damage... Personally i won't bother with a character who specializes in melee combat just to give him slings/darts the whole game. I already have viconia and coran filling that role.

    That's my personal opinion though and i don't see anything fundamentally wrong with him; just not my kind of character
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited December 2012
    The challenge with Rasaad (and Garrick and other comparatively weaker NPCs) is to figure out how get the most out of them.

    The cool thing about Rasaad is that he'll become way powerful in SoA/ToB:EE. If you're just playing BG:EE and doing not the whole saga, then he may not be a very good choice of NPC for many a player. But if you're taking him onward into BG2:EE then you more or less have to accept the challenge of getting the most out of him in BG:EE and that his value in that game is limited. He's an investment (for the whole saga).
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    edited December 2012
    Guys, in my game Rasaad is around level 6 , and he is already quite good at surviving now - his hiding skills are better, he's almost as fast as a hasted character, his thac0 is 14 (which pretty much hits 80% of the creatures in the game) and I haven't even given him gauntlets of ogre strength yet.

  • XasilXasil Member Posts: 47
    I made a whole custom party for the black pits with a monk in it. They're really not that bad, I just send my 2 tanks in first, wait till every enemy agro them and then send my monk in. He do decent damage but any other melee do better with their weapons since low lvl monk are weak, you really need to micro them more than other melee class.
  • HeliasHelias Member Posts: 112
    IkMarc said:

    Elof said:

    Yes... use the guy who isn't a front line fighter to fight like a front line fighter and then complain that he doesn't fight like a front line fighter and dies all the time like someone who isn't a front line fighter.


    Well thats the problem ive putten him to back still he is the first to set off and then I have to rescue him over and over and over ;)

    Make the extra one click to keep him back?
    Or make two extra clicks and kick him out of the party. He's useless.

  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938

    I took him throughout the entire game and was able to use him pretty effectively.

    Gave him slings and kept him in the back for rough fights, and micro managed him to use quivering palm in specific fights.

    With his boots running him up to specific bad guys, stunning them, and running back to my other ranged fighters and switching back to the sling was a fairly fun and effective use of him.

    Obviously there are more powerful choices though.

    I gave him the cursed belt for 19 strength and 6 int that you get on his quest and it was awesome.
  • Put some plate mail armors in his pack to slow him. That way he willl be last in every battle...
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