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bmp files created with the .Net Framework doesnt work

tommytommy Member Posts: 401
edited December 2012 in Not An Issue
i have saved a custom NPC portrait whith the .Net Framework 2.0 as a .bmp file. But ingame the NPC has no Portrait, .bmp from other sources work fine.

So please send the developer my .bmp File, so they can fix this in the engine

Edit: just to mention it, the .bmp file itself is fine. with other Programs the bmp file works fine
Post edited by Dee on


  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Two questions:

    Is it formatted in 24-bit colors at 200dpi resolution?

    Actually, that's one question. But that's the only thing I can think of that might be causing the problem.
  • DurlachionDurlachion Member Posts: 82
    edited December 2012
    Nope, sorry - this is not a even a bmp file. It's a png file with a ".bmp" as file extension
    • - The Magic Number (the first bytes of a file) of a bmp file is "BM"; your file has "PNG" in it
    • - bmp is an uncompressed file format. Therefore a file with 210x330 pixels should be around 203KB in size (210 Pixel x 330 Pixel x 3 Byte/Pixel) - your "ImoenL.bmp" is 175KB small
    • - the uploaded file uses 4 Byte/Pixel (an alpha channel for transparency). Only 24 Bit are supported (not only in BG:EE, but also in BG)
    Oh, concerning your edit: Other programs have no problems reading your file, because they are able to read compressed 32bit png files and simply ignore the ".bmp" file extension. ;-)
  • tommytommy Member Posts: 401
    thats strange, but thanks for the info. i havent noticed, that the image was converted to png
  • tommytommy Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2012
    but now its a bmp and it still doesnt work

    Edit: i will check if is 24 bit

    Edit2: it was 32 bit, so thanks for the help :)
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