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Where do you buy things in Ulgoth's Beard?

BaberahamLincolnBaberahamLincoln Member Posts: 10
I see in websites that certain things are sold in Ulgoth's Beard but I've never found a shop or anything like it. I just finished the ToSC quests (Durlag's Tower, the Cult, and the Mysterious Island questlines) but still nobody has shown up to sell things.

What gives?


  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    The Innkeeper inside Ulgoth Beard's inn sells all kinds of cool items and spell scrolls :)
  • BaberahamLincolnBaberahamLincoln Member Posts: 10
    Oh wow, I feel stupid. I've rested there many times and never noticed the shop button after talking to him. Thanks for making me look again.
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