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Soloing the black pits

I've been doing it with a dwarven fighter/cleric. It's not easy because you have no powerful armors (not so far, I suppose), and weapons break often. But it's been fun!

Have you tried it?


  • The_CheesemanThe_Cheeseman Member Posts: 175
    Yep, my first run through the Black Pits was a solo Cleric/Mage. I thought it was pretty difficult, until I realized I had played through the entire first tier on Insane. But, having begun that way, I decided to continue and finish the module on that difficulty. I can't really speak much about the armor and weapons issues, since my character relied pretty exclusively on magic to win.

    Since there are such large-scale encounters, and incoming damage was so high (especially on Insane difficulty) I mostly relied on disabling effects to keep enemies in check while summons took care of them. My favored tactics included Stinking Cloud and Animate Dead, with Cloudkill added later on, and Web alongside Free Action (with Spider Spawn for support). Prior to getting Animate Dead, I made heavy use of my familiar as a distraction to kite enemies while I pelted them with sling bullets. I was Neutral Evil, so the Glitterdust and Glass Dust abilities of my familiar were able to neuter most of the lowest-level enemies' damage output at the beginning of combat.

    As a Fighter/Cleric, I'd rely heavily on your sling, and try to avoid melee if possible. Remember that you can pre-buff before entering the arena, so take advantage of that fact! There are several battles that will be pretty tough without mass-control effects, but hopefully you will have the HP and damage-output to whittle-down the major threats quickly. Try your best to play proactively, don't rely on healing to keep you alive, but instead prevent taking damage via buffs and control.

    Good luck to you, it's a very challenging and rewarding experience!
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    Also remember to use command.
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