Firewine ruins (may contain spoilers)
Member Posts: 396
Hi, something must be wrong with the spawning in this area. You go into a dead end, kill a few kobolds, turn around, go back to the crossroad only to be attacked by kobolds coming from the dead end. And there's no effing end to the small annoying bastards. There are traps and so on but after a while I just couldn't be arsed and just went on through. This ridiculous amount of spawning *has* to be fixed. Over and out! /J
I don't see why kobolds wouldn't be many - they *do* breed like vermin >.<
The only solution is to Cloudkill the entire dungeon, all at once.
Go in through the house in gullykin, kill the ogre Mage, and poof you're done. No reason to go all through the place except to take armor to those of host knights but I can live without 1500 exp to avoid that annoying dungeon.