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Is it possible to kill Greywolf the evil way?


i'm playing an evil party. *wow*

But every time i kill Greywolf my whole party starts to moan!

There is no speaking option to solve the problem AND kill Greywolf.

The only evil way ist to fight Prism. But then Greywolf doesn't appear.

Is there a place where i can find him later on?


  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Killing grey wolf shouldn't make an evil party happy or unhappy sunce there is no reputation loss or gain just for killing him. If your party is moaning, they are probably already unhappy.
  • MikkelMikkel Member Posts: 86
    I haven't tried this mind you, since I'm at work, but how about letting Greywolf do his thing, then manually attacking him? Sorry if it's too obvious and you've already tried it.
  • GatsnardretschGatsnardretsch Member Posts: 2
    Mikkel said:

    I haven't tried this mind you, since I'm at work, but how about letting Greywolf do his thing, then manually attacking him? Sorry if it's too obvious and you've already tried it.

    Yep, that solved the problem. They started to moan as soon as i talked to Prism after the fight.


  • State_LemmingState_Lemming Member Posts: 375
    There is nothing more annoying than Kagain calling me a chump for taking a route that gets the party a larger reward.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Kill Prism as well, duh.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    If you tell Prism greywolf sent you, doesn't greywolf not show up?

    I wish the encounter worked where you could be the bounty hunter and kill prisim, and then Greywolf would show up and be angry that you poached his bounty, and then based off your dialogue you can calm him down and leave peacefully, or antagonize him and he attacks.
  • szbszb Member Posts: 220
    If you took the 200 gold in Nahskell pretending to be Greywolf, he will attack you for stealing his bounty.
  • AlsnAlsn Member Posts: 97
    szb said:

    If you took the 200 gold in Nahskell pretending to be Greywolf, he will attack you for stealing his bounty.

    But then you wouldn't be able to "steal" the emeralds and sell them for profit, which imho is the superior evil choice. :P
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