Regular Settings Option: Checkbox to Hide Status Icons/ Bloodiness on Portraits
[O] Hide Status Icons from Character Portraits
I like the character portraits. I take a lot of time finding them online and then often reworking them to work in BG, renaming them, etc. Mucho time. Then in-game when the magic equipment and buffs starts accumulating and damage starts getting taken, those portraits are drowned out in a dark red blotch with little thingies all over it. Well, I'd like to be able to hide the buff icons from the main screen portrait as well as maybe reduce the the bloodiness to a sliver on one or the other side of the portrait which clearly shows the health status without blotching out the portrait entirely.
Or maybe make two checkboxes for icons and bloodiness separately, but at least some way to go through an entire game with a face rather than a status tally board.
I like the character portraits. I take a lot of time finding them online and then often reworking them to work in BG, renaming them, etc. Mucho time. Then in-game when the magic equipment and buffs starts accumulating and damage starts getting taken, those portraits are drowned out in a dark red blotch with little thingies all over it. Well, I'd like to be able to hide the buff icons from the main screen portrait as well as maybe reduce the the bloodiness to a sliver on one or the other side of the portrait which clearly shows the health status without blotching out the portrait entirely.
Or maybe make two checkboxes for icons and bloodiness separately, but at least some way to go through an entire game with a face rather than a status tally board.
1. Like you said, give us the option of not having status effect icons on our portraits.
2. Give us a HP bar beneath/on the side of our portrait (IWD2 had a health bar beneath each portrait).
Actually those icons already show up under the portrait on the Character Sheet page. It's an inconvenience to find them there, but then, that's why this is optional. Probably optimal would be an option that makes the icons on the main page hidden until touching a hotkey. Then it would be a simple keystroke away from checking the icon status. Or don't select it and let your portrait be filled with little icons that mask which character is the one behind them all. The health rating needs to be seen at all times though, but a simple red/black bar or such at the vertical edge would do...