Never played it, I own it's one of those games I never got around to because I was too busy MMO'ing (oh how much time was wasted over the years and how much time I lost...)
From everything I read there were some significant problems with Arcanum's balance between magic and technology (i.e. Magic was overpowered, Technology simply didn't have the oomph). Either way, it's a great retro game that would be fun to see at some point.
Still, I'd prefer to see them work down BG2, PS:T and IWD 1/2 (and the BG3 ) before they start looking outside the franchise.
Yes. I'm in the middle of a force temporal conveyance mage game. Level 21. Set it aside for Torchlight 2, then Witcher 2, then BGEE. Might get back to it some day, might not. Certainly better than not gaming at all, but it's not captivating me somehow. A turn based game should be more tactical.
I'm with @Illydth - prefer to see BG2, Torment, NWN1 and 2, BG3.
The game has a very unique and interesting setting, nice characters and awesome quests. There are so many ways of completing quests, it is truly a wonder. Also, playing a high persuasion character (and eventually getting mastery at it, you can persuade the final boss in this game!) is much more challenging, fun and rewarding IMHO. Because combat is broken. And boring. No tactical options to speak of, much. The most difficult enemies are big melee hitter guys and they just..hit and kill you with massive damage. Also magic is highly overpowered. Disintegrate spell kills everyone in the game (except 2 special enemies I can think of) with one casting, no saving throw. It is literally 'I win you DIE' spell. Harm spell is overpowered and cheap too.
If it is to be enhanced, a lot of bugs and combat should be fixed. There were dozens of small and big bugs. Some were minor and harmless, even unintentioally like a chest screaming like a woman when you attack to break it, some were pretty major and painful like game crashing after you exit a certain dungeon. (and if you had no saves prior entering the dungeon your game is gone!)
All I remember is gathering springs and gears from dumpster diving in the cities from that game.
Music, setting, and art was excellent....combat and spell system was pretty much broken though. I remember getting stuck in a cave cornered by a mutated mole (or somesuch) and gave up.
arcanum was awesome and broken. i missed a more in-depth stories and characters but the game was FUN. i liked how open it was, (and horribly exploitable, particularly magic) i used to rob ristezze blind and then wander in wilderness, killing the putrid rodents. level 35 was there in a matter of hour!
I just signed up to this forum to say.... Yes!!! Please put arcanum on ipad!
I got Baulders Gate a couple of days ago on the ipad. Love the it, an then I thought about arcanum. I Absolutly fell in love with the setting. Awesome, awesome, awesome, minds went into the the premise of that game.
Btw: All of the bugs I encountered were fixed in patch the 1.07 patch.
If any one needs help developing this for iPad I would be glad to help!
Bought it on and tried playing it a couple times. Even with all the fixes applied over the years, the game gets bogged down with increasing crashes and game balance issues all over the place. It has redeeming qualities, but I found the end result unfinishable.
An enhanced port would be a very bad idea. It would probably be less work (and achieve better results) to build a new steampunk RPG from scratch with a more balanced and streamlined skill and equipment system.
From everything I read there were some significant problems with Arcanum's balance between magic and technology (i.e. Magic was overpowered, Technology simply didn't have the oomph). Either way, it's a great retro game that would be fun to see at some point.
Still, I'd prefer to see them work down BG2, PS:T and IWD 1/2 (and the BG3
I'm with @Illydth - prefer to see BG2, Torment, NWN1 and 2, BG3.
If it is to be enhanced, a lot of bugs and combat should be fixed. There were dozens of small and big bugs. Some were minor and harmless, even unintentioally like a chest screaming like a woman when you attack to break it, some were pretty major and painful like game crashing after you exit a certain dungeon. (and if you had no saves prior entering the dungeon your game is gone!)
Music, setting, and art was excellent....combat and spell system was pretty much broken though. I remember getting stuck in a cave cornered by a mutated mole (or somesuch) and gave up.
i liked how open it was, (and horribly exploitable, particularly magic) i used to rob ristezze blind and then wander in wilderness, killing the putrid rodents. level 35 was there in a matter of hour!
I got Baulders Gate a couple of days ago on the ipad. Love the it, an then I thought about arcanum. I Absolutly fell in love with the setting. Awesome, awesome, awesome, minds went into the the premise of that game.
Btw: All of the bugs I encountered were fixed in patch the 1.07 patch.
If any one needs help developing this for iPad I would be glad to help!
An enhanced port would be a very bad idea. It would probably be less work (and achieve better results) to build a new steampunk RPG from scratch with a more balanced and streamlined skill and equipment system.