Sorcerer solo

I've been soloing a sorcerer which I've done in BG2, but now I'm trying it from level 1 on insane.
I've found that I dominate encounters, I've gotten to level 5, and have almost no problems whatsoever as long as I know my spells and which ones I want to use where and why.
Here is my problem on the solo on insane with it. I literally die from walking over a trap in the mines. (16 con, didn't always roll max hp)
Is soloing a mage/sorcerer at low levels generally a bad idea? Or maybe I should set it to normal rules? Or maybe I should stop sucking?
I don't have an exact question here, mostly looking for advice and experiences. Thanks.
I've found that I dominate encounters, I've gotten to level 5, and have almost no problems whatsoever as long as I know my spells and which ones I want to use where and why.
Here is my problem on the solo on insane with it. I literally die from walking over a trap in the mines. (16 con, didn't always roll max hp)
Is soloing a mage/sorcerer at low levels generally a bad idea? Or maybe I should set it to normal rules? Or maybe I should stop sucking?
I don't have an exact question here, mostly looking for advice and experiences. Thanks.
I don't think soloing a sorcerer is a worse idea than soloing any other class. It is just about management and the metagame.
I can never get summoned creatures to trigger traps for some reason
I was planning on getting the find familiar scroll that drops on the assassin that appears in Nashekl AFTER the mine, but maybe it is worth burning a slot early.
I didn't know mirror image would help on traps, thanks.
Mirror image gives you a chance to avoid all damage even with lightning bolts, fireballs, traps, etc. It can make you much more resilient and if you are willing to reload then you can pass the traps without real risk.
I had 26 HP and I walked through 2 traps that were right beside each other and each of them had an arrow that did 14 damage for 28 and killing me. I ended up getting through it with tripping one, resting / drinking health potion, tripping the other one. Next time I'll make sure to have mirror image up I don't know why that didn't occur to me. Thanks for the advice everyone.