Solving the Joinable NPC level problems.
I'd like to propose a system where all NPC join your party at level one, and then receive an amount of experience point based on your aggregate party level. In effect, they start at level one but can be levelled up immediately, perhaps many levels at the same time.
This would fix:
1. Recieving an NPC a long way off your current party level (from a pool of perhaps 2 or 3)
2. Weapon proficiencies that you get to pick rather than the defaults
3. Thief skills that you get to set rather than the defaults
4. Hit points that you get to roll for, stopping the issue of playing on max hitpoint on level up but not receiving this for NPC's that join your party later.
This would fix:
1. Recieving an NPC a long way off your current party level (from a pool of perhaps 2 or 3)
2. Weapon proficiencies that you get to pick rather than the defaults
3. Thief skills that you get to set rather than the defaults
4. Hit points that you get to roll for, stopping the issue of playing on max hitpoint on level up but not receiving this for NPC's that join your party later.
As for level 1; hey it's not as if Khalid and Jaheira got married in Collage, recruited by the Harpers after graduating due to exceptional M.I.S. scores (Meddle In Stuff) and then drove down to the Friendly Arm Inn to wait for Professor Gorian. Then again, maybe that's exactly what happened
Setting a minimum level for each NPC and then adding to its current XP based on the player's total would make a lot of sense.