Possible Bug in Blade Pickpocket Values?

Alright, so I'm posting this in the General forum for now, as I'm not sure if it's actually a bug.
The Blade kit is supposed to get half the Bard's normal pickpocket value, but I always though this was based on the pickpocket value before bonuses are factored in. So the pickpocket value for a Blade would be:
[Bard pickpocket value]/2 + dex and racial modifiers
Currently it is being calculated as:
[Bard pickpocket value + dex and racial modifiers]/2
I'm almost sure that up until recently (possibly the latest patch) my Blade's pickpocket value was higher than it is now, so I'm thinking that it was originally being calculated using the first method, and now is being calculated using the second. Does anyone know if this is a bug?
The Blade kit is supposed to get half the Bard's normal pickpocket value, but I always though this was based on the pickpocket value before bonuses are factored in. So the pickpocket value for a Blade would be:
[Bard pickpocket value]/2 + dex and racial modifiers
Currently it is being calculated as:
[Bard pickpocket value + dex and racial modifiers]/2
I'm almost sure that up until recently (possibly the latest patch) my Blade's pickpocket value was higher than it is now, so I'm thinking that it was originally being calculated using the first method, and now is being calculated using the second. Does anyone know if this is a bug?
Two runs with same char due to failed no-reload.