Consequences for killing Drizzt as a good-aligned party in BG-EE.

I'm a good-aligned party that chose to kill Drizzt. I used the party-drop/pier exploit to shield my party from him and then pecked him to death with arrows and summoned hobgoblins. My party was around level 5. A -10 reputation hit is significant, but I was already at 19 rep when this happened, and I still have more than half the game to make up for my sin. (Having both Jaheira and Rassad in the group to make use of the scimitars, I couldn't resist.)
My question is if this will have serious repercussions in BG2-EE? I've heard that there are some Drizzt-related quests in that game, and I'd rather not break those quests by being greedy now.
My question is if this will have serious repercussions in BG2-EE? I've heard that there are some Drizzt-related quests in that game, and I'd rather not break those quests by being greedy now.
It's actually the only way to get a Ring of Invisibility, even though the ring is a crafting component in TOB.