Make BG2EE ASAP i beg you!
Seriously. Last time i installed BG2 it was about 9 years ago. It was fine, great times. I did install BGT a couple years ago too, but thats another story. So, here i am, finished BGEE, started a solo Blade, made him lvl 8 at the end of act 2, and got a bit bored. At this moment, I gave a wild thought to occupy my mind - if those guys who are keep telling me that BG2 with mods looks even superior to BGEE, are, in fact, right?
Well, lets go to GOG, buy a copy of BG2, get FixPack and TweakPack from mirror download sites since Gibberlings site is down, run config utility aaaaand
This is horrific! The interface, it is 800*600 pixels! Who teh feck am i suppose to play this? I am serious! I couldnt force myself to play even a little, i was mortified. I dont mind spending 10 bucks on a great game, and an hour to install all the mods (because i've read all the readme files to understand what do i actually change). but in the end it was a waste of effort.
I know, someone already posted this before me, but i just couldnt resist - really, guys from Overhaul games, you did a really really good job. You made me waiting for next part of the game. Please hurry! I might make some good folks happier.
Well, lets go to GOG, buy a copy of BG2, get FixPack and TweakPack from mirror download sites since Gibberlings site is down, run config utility aaaaand
This is horrific! The interface, it is 800*600 pixels! Who teh feck am i suppose to play this? I am serious! I couldnt force myself to play even a little, i was mortified. I dont mind spending 10 bucks on a great game, and an hour to install all the mods (because i've read all the readme files to understand what do i actually change). but in the end it was a waste of effort.
I know, someone already posted this before me, but i just couldnt resist - really, guys from Overhaul games, you did a really really good job. You made me waiting for next part of the game. Please hurry! I might make some good folks happier.
Post edited by AndreaColombo on
In the future, you are kindly asked to avoid blasphemy on these boards.
There are still huge bugs to fix, DLCs (I hope) to try, multyplayer system to implement properly, blablabla.
Another half-ready version? Thanks, but no thanks.
So ends the lesson for today.
I just hope they make it compatible with SCS2 and such.
I really don't want another rushed game fiasco, and I have seen too many of them. I propose sending instant gratification gaming to rot in a Luskan prison! ( ;-) )
Ill probably still buy BG2:EE just to continue my blackguard's story (can we have a blackguard stronghold pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?!!). But right now, BG2 with mods is perfectly playable and with the right time and effort it looks great.
Why don't they take MUCH longer to create BG2:EE? And also, why don't they upgrade the graphics this time, even as paid DLCs released in parts? New character sprites if the game sold well would be ace
If you are happy paying for that kind of DLC, that's fine. But with all due respect, keep it to yourself. There's those of us for who a paying DLC is the painful realization that we cannot afford more than what we already put in the game when we bought it. And that DLC marks the moment where we will have an inferior gaming experience to anyone else.
This game had less new features than a typical TuTu run and they didn't take time to get through all that hardcoded stuff or make it, well... enhanced over something a modder could do.
Nothing more important than this.
I understand you being unable to follow such a DLC, but i don't like your tone of "keep the idea to yourself because i don't like it". Also, DLC doesn't mean you're gonna pay as much as you paid for the game, Beamdog sounds more reasonable than many companies of today. DLC is an option, one you can choose to neglect. There is not much choice in "keep ideas to yourself". My post was a suggestion, one you obviously did not like. Your post, however, was a waste of space.
You obviously have no idea what spam means, but, putting that aside, your post implies that you want a power of marking as "spam", messages you don't like, even if they are not spam. Who do you think you are anyway, someone to dictate what others write?
@marfig @Artur your opinions are well-noted, however, if you ever imply for someone to not post his ideas because you either don't like them, or you think they are spam, or they remind you of horrors of the past or whatever, i will seriously contact a moderator.
I consider your opinion flat-out absurd and ignorant, hence why it's spam for me.
DLCs are only appropriate if done right. What you suggested was on the same level as EA or THQ would handle it.
And If you'd done some research you would've known upgrading the graphics is not possible, since they lost most resources for the games. Replacing them would mean making the game from the ground up, which would take an immeasurable amount of time.
There were several reasons why new graphics would not be done, but Trent himself admitted that they could create avatars anew, but it would create "visual inconcistency", something that many of us don't agree with, for several reasons, but furthermore, if the game was quite a success, new possibilities would open for development.
Also, it's not a threat, it's a guarantee. Funny that you mention "around here", like you own the place from long before.
I don't give a rat's ass if you consider my opinion absurd or ignorant, ignorance is with you on this one, since you assume i don't know the situation about avatars, sprites, source art and whatnot. You think it's spam, fine, sucks to be you then.
And no, it doesn't mean making the game from the ground up, character avatars are animations, independent of the rest of the game that are tied to certain commands, like moving or casting. Animations that the devs actually considered doing.
DLCs are appropriate if done right? Newsflash, the same applies to anything. Yeah, i'm sure something that modders have done, implementing even Diablo animations in BG, or altering existing animations, like 1pp, is EA level.
So spare me your crap, and go bother someone else.
What would be the point of releasing BG:EE in its old state and creating new sprites for BG2:EE?
They already hinted at a BG3 if the profit is high enough so there's no reason whatsoever to demand new graphics for the older titles, especially if people are against inconsistency and major changes in them. It's common forum-netiquette. You can report me all you like but I doubt anyone would take you seriously as long as you keep acting like an angry little man.
Etiquette? Accusing people of spamming because you don't like their opinion is not my idea of etiquette, though.
And this trying to belittle others or their opinions with "spam" or "angry little man" or whatever is beneath me.
Anyway, my apologies if i was too aggressive in my responses.