Writing a Biography

I think writing a biography for a character is important, however I find it frustrating to do so, you can highlight text and delete it but cannot copy or paste. I am sick of creating a character biography's to then not be able to copy and paste it to any character I want because I made a mistake with character creation like stats, proficiency's or class (long story short chose the wrong alignment for Find Familiar). I also went into the savegame folder and found my CHAR bio files and when I try to edit them I cannot save them as the right file format. It has annoyed me because if you want to make a biography you have to either type it down first and perfect it then type it again into the game and type it in every time you make a new character and want to use the same biography or you have to be a wizard at spelling and know exactly how you want your characters story to sound and read right of the top of you head into the actual game. It has been implemented quite poorly and if you can allow me to use Ctrl+v and Ctrl+c then that would make my and others day easier when writing a biography :P
So... It's hard to write anything interesting there.
The wordpad method added a big gap where I put the paragraph, roughly a couple lines, but you can modify that in-game easily enough. In BGII, and I suspect BG as well, there is a generic biography written for MP characters that does not say anything about Candlekeep, your class or race, but is just a plain adventurer biography. BG:EE is probably meant to generate these as well, but instead it seems you get half the mage one. So I exported it from BGII some time ago and sure enough, it works fine. I just rename the file as needed and paste it over my Black Pits/MP characters' bio files.