Spoiler: Adventure Y

If I understand correctly The Black Pits is Adventure X. Awesome!
But what is Adventure Y? The new characters side quests? Don't get it...
But what is Adventure Y? The new characters side quests? Don't get it...
"Adventure Y - when you see it, you will shit bricks"
But! - Hopefully is an adventure that reveals that "Throne of Bhaal" was all a bad dream.
Adventure Y is Dorn's sidequest into a mountainous area wherein there is a snappy Arabicish soundtrack. This adventure has bhaalspawn implications. The end.
What is it?
12 May Trent Oster @TrentOster
Adventure X is a side adventure, while Adventure Y is an optional storyline piece in the Bhallspawn series
as summarized from: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/2208/did-i-get-something-wrong-or @mch202
" What plans, if any, do you have to add any content to the game for this new edition in terms of new adventures, characters and gameplay?
We have plans within plans in this area. So far we have announced one new potential party member. He comes with a class which is new to Baldur's Gate and a story-based adventure which integrates into the existing Baldur's Gate story. We've also announced a new adventure which exists outside the Bhaalspawn story and should be a lot of fun to play."
- new adventure X which exists outside the Bhaalspawn story= black pits
- new party member with new class is Dorn, the "story-based adventure which integrates into the existing Baldur's Gate story" must be adventure Y
speculation as summarized from http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/6399/adventure-y Where?
speculation from @Drugar http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/2772/adventure-y/p1
Concept art also showed Dragonspear Castle, just north of Baldur's Gate. Haven't heard anything about it though. Could be going in that direction.
Final word:
"Keep your ears peeled for Adventure Y" - Trent Oster