Dwarf Vs. Half-Orc for Fighter/Cleric

In your opinion are the saving throws the dwarf gets better than the half-orc stat advantage (+1 str and +1 dex over the dwarf)?
From both the perspective of just BG1, and also all the way through ToB.
From both the perspective of just BG1, and also all the way through ToB.
The shorty-save bonus for the dwarf,which with 18 Con gives a bonus of 5, is more important on the long run. And as soon as you find the Tome of Strength the difference is neglect able (20 STR gives +1 Damage compared to 19 STR)
But in the end, play what you like best
Put I've got a dwarf Fighter/Cleric level 6/6 with 20 con and he almost always saves. It's awesome.
Thanks for the advice.
I'm not sure that there are any winners in a beauty contest between dwarf and half orc females... only losers.