So I've been caught up with work for the past month and finally get to play some more. To my delight, there is an update on the beamdog client. Wonderful. Thumbs up to the team for putting in the effort.
But it got me wondering. Any news on when we can expect to see dlc's? I'm no entirely sure as to what they promised contentwise, but I vaguely recollect something about dlc's.
Happy holidays everyone
But it got me wondering. Any news on when we can expect to see dlc's? I'm no entirely sure as to what they promised contentwise, but I vaguely recollect something about dlc's.
Happy holidays everyone
Of note the fact also that BGEE may not come with your traditional DLC "package". It's been said much of the game new content will be added free of charge through game updates.
It's a shame there's no way I can cast Limited Wish on BGEE. I'd make all DLC like that.
Not too sure about contenty content though; by the sound of things they want to get cracking on BGII:EE as soon as they're finished with BG, and that wouldn't leave much resources for additional adventures/companions. They are allready working on an adventure, though that might be content patch rather than DLC if I understood things correctly. There will probably be more companions for BGII:EE, and I imagine they'll put them into the first game too, so more of those we'll probably get.
Most likely we won't see -any- DLC until BG:EE is finished though; currently there's still some missing content (cut scenes), features (multiplayer functionality thingies) and bugs.