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experience for waiting characters?


I noticed that the waiting NPC's dont gain any experience. Is this meant to be so? Because then it's quite hard to switch between NPC's because they are all at very low level.

It happened to me with Dorn. I met him the first time and just had him in my party for 1-2 minutes to look at his stats. Then I released him. When I met him a couple days (and lots of exp) later he still had 0 experience points.


  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    edited December 2012
    Yeah, this game was made before games like KOTOR and Mass Effect made waiting party members gaining experience along with active ones a standard feature. It's usually better, especially for a new player, to commit to a full, versatile party and then play with those six characters for the whole game.

    NPCs do tend to have their levels adjusted depending on when in the game you find them and what level you are when you first encounter them. NPCs encountered in the city of Baldur's Gate, for example, tend to be level 5-6.

    Also, apparently the new NPCs (Dorn, Rasaad, and Neera) start out at 0 experience no matter what you do.
    Post edited by Madhax on
  • ValdoValdo Member Posts: 6
    thank you for the answer.

    So when I earn 1000 XP will every member in my party get 1000 XP or are these divided by the numbers of members of my party??
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    It's divided evenly. Smaller parties will level up faster, in other words.

    It's worth noting, however, that a full party of six can still easily hit the level cap in BG1 and 2 (Not necessarily in ToB, but it hardly matters at that high a level), so the benefits of a smaller party are strictly short-term.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,455
    I'd echo what Madhax says, and add to it, in BG2 you will see many quests where the rewards are per character so the benefits of a smaller party are even fewer. But combat experience is always divided between the party members.
  • ValdoValdo Member Posts: 6
    Ok, my party is now:

    Me - Ranger

    I hope thats playable.

    I will test it after christmas. Happy Holidays.

  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Pretty much any combo is playable. You're heavy on the fighter-types but it shouldn't be a problem. You can dual class Imoen at some point if you want to gain a little more magic.
  • ValdoValdo Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2012
    Will there be a magician with a higher level that I meet later in the game? Right now I am at chapter 2.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,455
    Valdo said:

    Will there be a magician with a higher level that I meet later in the game? Right now I am at chapter 2.

    Most NPCs scale and will be a comparable level when you meet them. So I'm guessing you've met and rejected Edwin, Xan, Dynaheir.... Which is fine. I have a party going now with Neera as my only Mage, and apart from the occasional unexpected result I'd say she's good enough. In BG2 I would always want two mages, but in BG you should do fine. As CaptRory mentioned, you can dual Imoen to Mage if you really want another one. But it's completely unnecessary in this game.
  • AlsnAlsn Member Posts: 97
    Madhax said:

    Also, apparently the new NPCs (Dorn, Rasaad, and Neera) start out at 0 experience no matter what you do.

    That's a myth and not true. I've picked up a level 4 Neera.
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