Black pits level or exp cap questions, and some...

Could someone please tell me what the level or exp cap is for the Black Pits mod?
I'm assuming it is a set exp cap for all classes and races alike (like bgee), but someone told me it was a level cap instead, and higher that bgee itself.
(Which is quite amazing considering black pits is only 6 hours? Level 10+ in 6 hours? That's fast!)
And if someone happen to know, will there be better character file deletion/export methods WITHOUT using iFunBox?
I'd love to keep my file and saves for a new iPad ( and BG2ee). It would be a bummer if I can't keep my files when I get a new iPad or the next game...
I'm assuming it is a set exp cap for all classes and races alike (like bgee), but someone told me it was a level cap instead, and higher that bgee itself.
(Which is quite amazing considering black pits is only 6 hours? Level 10+ in 6 hours? That's fast!)
And if someone happen to know, will there be better character file deletion/export methods WITHOUT using iFunBox?
I'd love to keep my file and saves for a new iPad ( and BG2ee). It would be a bummer if I can't keep my files when I get a new iPad or the next game...
Self-Indulgent, Long-winded and immensely Verbose Analysis: It becomes interesting when you start multi-classing, as in that case the xp cap becomes the amount of xp required to lvl the most xp intensive class in the multi to lvl 10. For example, a multi-classed Fighter/Thief can reach lvl 9/11 respectively. This is calculated as follows: xp required for Fighter lvl 10 (500k xp), divided into both classes, 250k xp per class. Notice that this way you can actually reach one level HIGHER than a pure thief with many of the added benefits of an almost maxed figher. The downside being the slower leveling (160k vs 500k). However xp gain is greatly exaggerated in The Black Pits.
Further, a multi-classed Fighter/Mage/Thief will also use the 500k xp cap, split 3 ways, resulting in a level cap of 8/9/10 respectively. This means you can end at the same Thief level as a dedicated Thief, one level lower Fighter than a multi-classed F/T, with the abilities of a level 9 mage (one level from dedicated mage) at the same xp cap as F/T, of course forsaking armour if you mean to use spells...
Another example is a multi-classed Fighter/Druid, which can reach 9/11, no lvl penalty compared to the dedicated druid and one lvl less than a dedicated Fighter, the trade-off being slower lvling compared to the druid and lack of kits in either class.
Holy Mother of God he is still going?!?!?!: Then there is dual classing, which is different to multi-classing in that the xp cap is derived from the SECOND class. Therefore if you wanted to dual a fighter to a thief***, with a view of imitating the multi-class F/T (at lvls 9/11) you would dual at fighter lvl 9 (250k xp) into a Thief only to find you are suddenly are at (actually exceeded) the cap (cumulative 160k xp) as a lvl 1 Thief *bad times*. ***PS-not a good idea incidentally, in fact the thief in almost all forms is extremely limited in uses in the Black Pits in comparison to *surprise* combat orientated classes, both arcane and physical...
Therefore dual-classing Fighter->Thief would yield at best 6/9 respectively, however the reverse, Thief->Fighter is a much more powerful 8/9. While you might see this and say T/F dual 8/9 is surely weaker than a F/T multi 9/11, in reality the dual is more powerful as the most useful aspect of thieves do not require 3 more lvls, but a dual can better utilize his weapon proficiencies.
In the same vein, a Fighter/Druid Dual, starting with Fighter could only reach 7/10 while a druid dual to fighter could reach 8/9, in this case either is probably a poorer choice than simply multi-classing.
If any of the above is wrong im happy to be educated, however any mistakes are clearly somehow the fault of my ISP and not at all to be attributed to my sleep deprived 8am addled pre-caffeinated mind...
To Anyone who managed to get this far without skipping: Boo is pleased, also, i bet you didnt kill noober either...
*gives you a cookie*