Two weapon style question

Two weapon style, Kivan for instance, are you limited in what two weapons you can have? For instance, can you hold two longswords or does one weapon have to be shorter than the other?
Any good recommendations for Kivan's dual weapons?
Any good recommendations for Kivan's dual weapons?
Reference Kivan, he's an excellent choice for either. With a high dexterity he's good with bows. But as a Ranger he gets two weapon style as a freebie; and with his high dexterity he can work easily without a shield. His low constitution is his only drawback; but if you give him the tome from the golem cave it will give him a +1 hit die bonus.
You can dual wield two of the same weapon; which is the most efficient thing to do. Have Kivan specialize in long sword and he will get the +1 to hit/+2 to damage with BOTH swords.
In PNP, off hand weapons have to be small sized IF you don't have the 2 weapon style proficiency. But in BG, the dual wielding penalties are so horrible for trying to dual wield without that proficiency there's no point in even trying.
It's practically the same if you dual wield 2 daggers, long sword and dagger or 2 bastard swords.
As a side note, it's super annoying that multiclass fighter-thief can only put 2 points in dual wielding which results in -4 to hit chance for an off-hand.
Albinocobra are you sure? I have a multi-class fighter/cleric who dual wields hammers and has three pips in the style.
It was odd to me too since I remember playing this same char in BG2 a few months back and he had 3 points in dual wield. I guess its 2 points at char creation, 3rd added later on. Good thing I brought this up then
Thanks for clearing that little thingy up
BG ignores that and just lets you use whatever, as long as it's 1 handed.
I wish the dexterity modifiers had been used, but it does still matter because you are foregoing a shield when dual wielding.
It's already corrected in my game, but I'm trying to push for proper Two style over in the feature requests. I'd also love for the dex adjustment to be applied, but I don't even know where to begin to try and implement that.
But I generally prefer the PNP implementation of styles (especially getting the dexterity bonuses with two weapon style).
Although the one improvement BG makes over PNP is allowing weapon specialization for other warriors, not just fighters (in PNP Rangers and Paladins COULD NOT specialize at all, they were only allowed one pip per weapon). My own house rules, going back to Unearthed Arcana days (mid 1980s), are a lot like BG rules, I always let Paladins and Rangers specialize, while only Fighters could gain double specialization (an alternate to mastery in the core rules).
I once had a character in bg2 that dual wielded axes but I couldnt equip Azuredge in a second weapon slot for quick swapping because of it's "thrown" property.
They'd have to do something like IWD2's interface and have each node a MH/OH set.