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Is the third point of dual-wield worth it?

I seem to see a lot of people taking Mastery in dual-wielding, and I'm trying to figure out if I'm missing something or if I'm right that the last point doesn't make enough of a difference.

The first two points reduce both the offhand and mainhand penalties by 2, which is huge. But after two points the mainhand has no more penalty, and the third point simply reduces the offhand penalty by 2. Since the offhand is limited to a single attack per round, does spending an entire proficiency point on getting +2 to hit with that hand make sense? I would rather diversify my selection of weapons to specialize in, especially later in the saga when hitting your target becomes easier and easier.

The only sense I see in getting the third point is if you intend on being improved-hasted a lot, which is to my knowledge the only effect in the BG saga that grants additional APR with the offhand.


  • ryuken87ryuken87 Member Posts: 563
    In BG1 I wouldn't bother since you don't get many points. In BG2 you get a surplus of points so you might as well.
  • AlexDeLargeAlexDeLarge Member Posts: 273
    Short answer: No
    Long Answer: No (unless what ryuken87 said)
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,448
    It depends on the character. A fighter is better off putting proficiencies into the weapon not the style, because it affects both weapons. But a Paladin or Ranger can only have two pips in a weapon, so putting the third one on the style makes some sense. Unless they want to dual wield two different types of weapons; then specialize in both weapons before taking the third pip in style.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    If you're wielding two of the same weapon type and can't specialise further?

    Yes. +2 to hit on a single attack per turn is +2 to hit. What else are you going to spend it on?

    If you've got a choice between specialising your offhand or mastering TWF?

    Maybe. +2 to hit on your offhand versus +1 to hit is a viable tradeoff. If you're planning on using one as a primary at times however, then go for Specialisation.
  • SenashSenash Member Posts: 405
    As common sense dictates: it does not worth it as long as you have better options... So your question is kinda silly, as it all depends on the situation.

    A ranger in BGEE gets 2 points in TWF anyway and gets 6 more points to spend until exp cap. If you know what weapons you are using, than you will need 4 points for them. What are you going to do with the extra 2 points? I would go for that plus 2 THAC0... But not until I have maxed out may weapon profs! Also if you are using ranged weapons a lot I might go for a bow.

    With a paladin you barely have enough points to max out two weapon specs and put 2 on one style. If you are planning to use two long swords (or flais, bastards, anything else) however, you might as well put 1 on dual-wielding.

    The fighter is the more obvious choice here, since you can go for grand mastery. So with him it seems it worth more to go for the weapon spec.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    It's only reduces the off-hand penalty to -2. Most don't even bother unless they're just bored. Warriors don't really need it, since that single off-hand attack isn't really worth much to them and they quickly get to the point where it doesn't matter. Rogues desperately need all the thac0 they can get since that off-hand attack is the only other base melee attack they can get, but don't have the proficiency points to allow it till the sequel, and only blades and swashbucklers can even place more then 1 point (which is wrong).
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