Inventory pausing

Am I the only one who liked the original BG's pause. Namely that you can't pause in the inventory screen. A Doom Guard isn't going to wait for you to pass a healing potion around, and I liked reading item description when traveling from one side of the map to the other.
I would call it poor game design if characters are getting killed off because of inventory malfunctions. That's an interface issue, and pausing on inventory seems completely reasonable to me.
This'd let you do things while they walked around or got other chores or whatever done, but at the same time pause the game in the midst of a tough battle.
I think it's okay the game has that feature, even though I don't use it that often myself. If you think it's cheesy, try to limit yourself to not doing it. I wouldn't vote for it being changed.
Might have been the spellbook screens, though.
This shall also be restored.
Edit: Damn it does cancel bardsong. I thought if you were going to do nothing but sing you might as well loot at the same time