Gygax Run! (No Reload)

So, um, I did a run with the first stat set that popped up. did fine till I tried to go into the Red Sheaf..then got chunked.
So, try it yourself! Do a no reload run with the VERY first set of stats you get, without changing them. (I was lucky, made a fighter with 18/12 str, 9 dex, 10 con, 13 int, 13 wis, 13 cha)
So, try it yourself! Do a no reload run with the VERY first set of stats you get, without changing them. (I was lucky, made a fighter with 18/12 str, 9 dex, 10 con, 13 int, 13 wis, 13 cha)
I am intrigued. I may have to try this and tell you my results, but it'll have to wait until January, I'm going to be busy for a while.
The roll was:
STR 15
DEX 13
CON 14
INT 15
WIS 14
CHA 13
Then I realised the minium stats for an elf ranger are 13, 13, 14, 8, 14, 8. So in fact it's rather average, apart from the useless high INT and CHA. Oh well.
In the prologue, I teleported to Obe's training grounds, swagged the speed potion and ended combat. Went to the house with the assassin, killed him... and as the journal entry appeared, the game locked up.
Exit Gariel I, elven archer.
Rolled a Fighter/mage
12,11,9,17,13,13 Not too bad!
My party died fighting Basilus i did the only honourable thing and ran away like a little girl, only to be punched in the face by a ghoul,that paralyzed me, and killed me (probably ate said face aswell).
I didn't successfully copy a single spell