Really Slow Framerate, Especially During Spells, and Glitchy Movies.

I am getting a terrible framerate, especially when casting spells like color spray. I am running the game on an ASUS laptop running windows 7 with an intel hd graphics 3000 card. This happens in windowed mode as well as fullscreen, and the 'Graphics', 'OpenGL Version', '1', addition to baldur.ini has not helped at all. I have tried running in compatability mode for windows 98, but the game is frequently marred by terrible framerates, and movies have never played properly. The game runs fine when I try on my brothers laptop with an identical graphics card. Anyone else having the issues, and any other suggestions?
Post edited by Jalily on
I have a computer with both that this game instantly crashes (blue screen crash--I can't even create a working crash folder for .dmp files!) and a laptop with Intel chipset/graphics as well, that unplayably lags. I have followed every instruction that I can find, although direction on this subject is rather piecemeal and spread out. It needs to be consolidated definitively into a comprehensive protocol to attempt repair, and regular updates provided on what is being done to resolve the problem.
Notwithstanding that the problem originates with Intel, Beamdog has acknowledged that they severely underestimated (!) the number of customers with Intel (!!), and that they should have done a better job of forewarning those customers (!!!). I honestly think they are probably going to be SOL. Unless perhaps a DirectX fix eventually comes about. But time will tell.
You should move this thread over to Support/Windows PC. In the screen with the list of threads for the forum, click on the cogwheel for your thread, click Edit, and change the Category accordingly.
I have an ATI graphic card and i can see a pike in CPU usage when running cinematics.
And if i run a CPU eater program (like a streaming software), cinematics become laggy and not watchable.
For what i have seen on Twitch, everyone which don't have an overkiller CPU encounter this problem.