Neutralise Poison: Actually useful?

Looking at Neutralise Poison today, I noticed something very interesting. Since I typically ignore the spell as redundant compared to the two-level-lower Slow Poison, thought I'd share with anyone else who shares that particular bad habit.
Effect: Cures poison, disease, blindness and deafness, and, most importantly, it recovers 10 HP.
Comparing it to Cure Moderate, the level 3 cure wounds spell that is otherwise the most efficient spell, timewise, for healing, Cure Moderate recovers 14 HP with a cast time of 5, Neutralise Poison restores 10 HP with a cast time of 1, making it five times faster to cast.
So you're getting almost as much healing, except instead of waiting half a round for it you're getting it almost instantly, making Neutralise Poison almost as quick for emergency healing as drinking a potion.
Whilst it probably won't find its way into every spell slot, I for one may actually be memorising a few just in case now.
Effect: Cures poison, disease, blindness and deafness, and, most importantly, it recovers 10 HP.
Comparing it to Cure Moderate, the level 3 cure wounds spell that is otherwise the most efficient spell, timewise, for healing, Cure Moderate recovers 14 HP with a cast time of 5, Neutralise Poison restores 10 HP with a cast time of 1, making it five times faster to cast.
So you're getting almost as much healing, except instead of waiting half a round for it you're getting it almost instantly, making Neutralise Poison almost as quick for emergency healing as drinking a potion.
Whilst it probably won't find its way into every spell slot, I for one may actually be memorising a few just in case now.
This point as been touched on but no one has really come out and said it.
Protection from Evil 10' is a no-brainer. And, since it has limited duration, two are better than one. I would never even consider filling fourth level spell slots with a measly 10 point heal. A simple lesser healing potion could do just as well, and by the time you have fouth level priest spells, you should have so many of them you don't know what to do with them all.
And then, there's Call Woodland Beings, Negative Plane Protection, Free Action, Death Ward, Lesser Restoration, Protection from Lightning.
Heck, almost anything on the fourth level priest spell list is better than Neutralize Poison. It's not a bad spell in and of itself, it's just that it freaking wastes a critical fourth level spell slot.