How do you play a Neutral party?

I am on my first ever playthrough NOT being a goody-goody. Seriously, in pretty much any game. I am trying not to be a 20 reputation party, not just because I have mixed alignments in my group, but also for something new.
Problem is, it seems like the only way to lower my reputation is to do something vile like kill civilians. I'm at 16 rep right now, but I am worried it will creep closer and closer to 20. Whenever I take a path that I KNOW is not the "good" one, I don't lose any rep; I just don't gain the +1.
Is there a way to lower it without being a total butthole? Or am I just going to have to go into a house with one person and kill them for the rep loss?
Problem is, it seems like the only way to lower my reputation is to do something vile like kill civilians. I'm at 16 rep right now, but I am worried it will creep closer and closer to 20. Whenever I take a path that I KNOW is not the "good" one, I don't lose any rep; I just don't gain the +1.
Is there a way to lower it without being a total butthole? Or am I just going to have to go into a house with one person and kill them for the rep loss?
The game reality is that there are no neutral outcomes that will adjust your reputation towards a midpoint. You have to be both good and bad to progress with a neutral reputation.
Of course reputation is only public perception and from a roleplaying perspective doesn't have to equal alignment exactly.
As for keeping that reputation down, try stealing. It's a little fudgy but that's just the reputation system.
EDIT: Well, I couldn't be bothered finding a place where the Flaming Fist wasn't summoned, so I just had to kill someone. Finishing Cloakwood got me up to 18 (+2 eeeegh) and then finishing the bandits with Officer Vai got me up to 19, which made Viconia and Dorn leave. So, I had to drop 9 rep points, unfortunately. Bit more than I wanted, but at least I have a buffer now.
In BG2 Jaheira whines if your reputation gets too high, but even a lot of the sidequests that she seems to approve of (such as the Slavers quest) will raise your party's reputation.
And doing a bunch of good deeds and then killing innocent bystanders is definitely not how a true neutral person would behave... that might work for a chaotic neutral party, though. According to the in-game description, a true neutral person will tend to support the underdog... So I guess you could try to always take the side of whomever is weakest, but that is of course very often what a good aligned party would do anyway.
IIRC, there is a Flaming Fist Mercernary on the roads south of Beregost who will pick fight with you, accusing your party of being bandits. If you kill him, you get a -8 reputation. Since that guy is basically asking for it, that is one instance where you can reduce your rep. but still not resort to random acts of brutality.
Gorion was able to keep my personality in check while his ward, but I'm free of that overbearing oaf now and I can do what I please!
Chaotic Neutral is the most fun to play.
Help the boneheads cut down the dryad's tree in the wilderness zone near the gnoll stronghold.
Flood the mines with the slave scum trapped inside.
Recruit Viconia.
Recruit Dorn.
Tell the flaming fist mercenary north of Nashkel that you like to eat children, then kill him when he attacks.
Gank the potion carriers for Silke in Beregost.
Help the druids kill Aldeth Sashensar in Cloakwood area 1, as you need that sweet sweet aloe vera cream (I think this drops rep).
Pickpocket fail on the merchants in the Nashkel circus, and run when they turn hostile (lamo IMO).
In your instance I suggest you go to the crossroads between Beregost and the Friendly Arm Inn and stab one of the messengers there with your most evil-aligned NPC, whilst CHARNAME takes a piss behind a tree ;-)