Baldur's Gate 2: The Movie

It has been dreamt of before but a Baldur's Gate movie would be great. The original game is too empty to be a movie, but the second would be a breeze.
I reckon Gary Waldhorn would make a great Jon Irenicus (search his name if you don't know who he is). Looks like him and sounds like him, but he's a little old.
I was considering putting work into making a 'cartoon' version for my own enjoyment, but a proper movie would be great.
Somebody empty their pockets for this now.
I reckon Gary Waldhorn would make a great Jon Irenicus (search his name if you don't know who he is). Looks like him and sounds like him, but he's a little old.
I was considering putting work into making a 'cartoon' version for my own enjoyment, but a proper movie would be great.
Somebody empty their pockets for this now.
BG2 is about rescueing Imoen (whom the audience doesn't know yet) and reclaiming your soul (which in a movie is the soul of a main character the audience has just met so it's not that personal), and the plot is really short when you don't do the sidequests (which are tedious in a movie).
I wouldn't mind seeing one though. If Dungeon Siege can get a (semi-decent) movie, so can BG!
I second a dragonlance game. I always keep thinking how cool it would be if it had flight physics, thermals, weather, the lancing and maneuvering... the feeling of being atop a living creature.
I don't know... A well done Baldur's Gate movie would rock absolutely, but the chances to screw it up are incredibly high because such is the quality of the game in the first place.
@Space_hamster like a cross between red cross and red cross???
And it would have to have Mickey Rourke in it, lol. That's a must.
Johnny Depp? Oh no... not another Johnny Depp Action Flick. I changed my mind I don't need a movie. No thought who this Mickey Rourke guy is but he's big enough to be S.
That's right man. No dialogue, no movie. You can't make a movie where they run around the wilderness killing badgers. That'd be a fun action movie but if you want a story then you'd have to spice it up a little along the way.
As in you'd have to put something between the Friendly Arm Inn and Nashkel. The game isn't presentable as a movie because you're basicly like "Okay, go here. Okay done, go here. Okay now kill stuff in the Nashkel mines."
You improvise the script, adding characterization as you go, maybe new plotpoints and story elements.
Look at comicbook movies. Do any of them follow the dialogue of the comics they take from? No.
There is a lot to learn about script writing and storytelling.
But i think about Drizzt... Why not in film? In D&D world! Many books... so... we have script!