Multiplayer: Port Forwarding Problems

Ahoyhoy. It's not technically a bug, but I'm having trouble port forwarding. The multiplayer mode explains that port 47630 UDP must be open or forwarded. I tried to open it on the Apple Airport Router using this youtube walkthrough: There were two options for UDP, private and public. I'm not sure which to choose so I just selected both. Either way, it didn't work. My friend still can't connect even though we are using LAN. We did try Tunngle too, but it didn't work either. I was able to connect to other players, but my friend couldn't connect to me and vice versa. Any ideas or advice? Thanks a bunch.

Post edited by Avenger_teambg on
We have to do the same thing for BroodWar if we want to host game.
Basically as mentioned above you type 192.168.( 1 or 0 here usually).1 in the address field in your browser, then you log in with your routher info (you have to find that yourself, if you can't call your ISP/router support) go to the port forwarding options and make sure that the the port is assigned to whatever local IP's you need to open them for. After that it should work... if you wanna find out which local IP you have just click start in windows, type "cmd" and press enter in the small search field, then type ipconfig and look for your ip it's 192.168.( 0 or 1).(your unique number here) the router always has the number 1 as it's unique address, which means you probably have anything between 2-199 or something at the end.