Do you miss any quests/dialogue if you take Jaheira and dump Khalid?

The title pretty much says it all. Do you miss out on anything (other than a mediocre fighter that runs away at the drop of a hat) if you dump him somewhere and take his better half with you? I'm mostly worried about unique quests and dialogue options I might miss out on, not so much the actual pros and cons in combat of using them. (And as long as I'm at it, is there anything similar with Minsc and Dynaheir?)
Just in case anyone is wondering, I've played through BG2 a couple times, but I've never actually played the first one until now, so I'm familiar with the characters, but not so much with how their story plays out in 1, so I don't want to miss anything. (If I need an in-story explanation for them being missing, I figure Jaheira and Dynaheir got together and decided Minsc would be more useful to our quest, but he refused to leave his charge unguarded, so Khalid volunteered to watch her in his place.)
Just in case anyone is wondering, I've played through BG2 a couple times, but I've never actually played the first one until now, so I'm familiar with the characters, but not so much with how their story plays out in 1, so I don't want to miss anything. (If I need an in-story explanation for them being missing, I figure Jaheira and Dynaheir got together and decided Minsc would be more useful to our quest, but he refused to leave his charge unguarded, so Khalid volunteered to watch her in his place.)
I really like your in-story explanation.
Most importantly, though, there are just too many OTHER people I want to use!