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[Bug] - Bounty Hunter skill points calculated incorrectly on creation and at level 1.

AranthysAranthys Member Posts: 722
edited January 2013 in Fixed
Regarding the bounty hunter, there is something fishy about its set trap attributes.
Creating a regular human thief with 18 dex, I'd get the following skill points :

25 - Pick Pockets
25 - Pick Locks
10 - Detect Traps
20 - Move Silently
15 - Hide in Shadows
0 - Detect Illusions
5 - Set Trap
+40 points to spend

On the other hand, creating a human bounty hunter with 18 dex, I'd get the following skill points :
25 - Pick Pockets
25 - Pick Locks
11 - Detect Traps -> Wut ? It should be 10, as regular thieves.
20 - Move Silently
15 - Hide in Shadows
0 - Detect Illusions
5 - Set Trap
+40 points to spend

If, say, I spend the 40 points in Set Traps, setting the skill to 45, and by getting +15 from the kit it should be displayed 60.
If I check my character sheet, I get the following skill points displayed :
25 - Pick Pockets
25 - Pick Locks
11 - Detect Traps
20 - Move Silently
15 - Hide in Shadows
0 - Detect Illusions
63 - Set Trap -> Wut ? It should be 60

If I level up my thief once, and go to spend my 20 skill points, I get the following skill points displayed :
25 - Pick Pockets
25 - Pick Locks
11 - Detect Traps
20 - Move Silently
15 - Hide in Shadows
0 - Detect Illusions
69 - Set Trap -> Wut ? It gained 6 points just by clicking on "Level up".
+20 points to spend

Expected behaviour :
- Bounty Hunter should start with 10 in detect traps, as all other thieves do.
- The set trap value should work properly on creation and at level 1 / on the first levelling.
Post edited by Jalily on


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