Gearing up a druid
Okay I got Feldorn, and I use her mostly as support, healing, summoning. But it made me think if I wanted to make a druid, how can I gear him up not to be so soft? She has like AC 3 or something... :S
Whilst I'm at it, I'd recommend an Avenger. Forget the fact that they can only wear leather (There's a +3 Leather in.... I think Durlag's level 2), and make use of their Shapeshifts into awesome forms like the Salamander and Sword Spider and just tear everything up. Once you hit the cap, you can cast Iron Skins, and by that point you're pretty much a goddess in melee anyway.
I just finished a berserker 7/ Druid 9 run, and he is fantastic. Still get level 5 spells, and berserk will be useful forever. Grandmastery scimitar with two weapon fighting, Icingdeath and Rashad's.