If I set a trap of Imoen and I realize that it is in the wrong place as to where I intended it to go, can I 'untrap' or 're-trap' by setting it up somewhere else?
I've set it before some enemies are summoned in the nakshel mines - kind of the end boss guy there down at the very bottom. I am hoping that the sequencing doesn't render it disabled or re-put it in her pouch somehow either. Which leads me to question 2.. I am getting whupped down there. A large part of it I believe is because I had 2 of my characters die and I've resurrected them and lost all of their goods. So I have both Imeon and a Wild Mage running around with only a staff and a dagger. Had I known a little more, I would not have let any of my characters die.. even once. For I fear that re-equipping them will be a somewhat difficult task.
Wait wait, you can place a trap rest place another trap rest and have up to 7 active traps? Or are you saying that once you set one, you can 'reset' or bring it back to your pack by resting? Hence only 1 trap placed.
Traps never disappear unless they're set off (lure an enemy back to it, or summon a monster and make it mad, if you really need to remove one).
Technically, if you don't mind cheese, you can obliterate most enemies by pre-trapping and resting till you have the max amount possible. This works best for enemies that aren't hostile till you talk to them. It's VERY cheesy though...almost on par with Fake-talk as far as exploits go.
I discourage it though, because it's cheap and greatly undermines how awesomely flexible and powerful traps really are, and causes some people to view them only as tools of cheese and avoid using them which greatly undermines the Bounty Hunter's reputation (my all-time favorite thief kit).
I've set it before some enemies are summoned in the nakshel mines - kind of the end boss guy there down at the very bottom. I am hoping that the sequencing doesn't render it disabled or re-put it in her pouch somehow either. Which leads me to question 2.. I am getting whupped down there. A large part of it I believe is because I had 2 of my characters die and I've resurrected them and lost all of their goods. So I have both Imeon and a Wild Mage running around with only a staff and a dagger. Had I known a little more, I would not have let any of my characters die.. even once. For I fear that re-equipping them will be a somewhat difficult task.
Depending on what you'd accomplished before, re-equipping them shouldn't be too difficult actually. If you haven't yet bought it, Taerom Thunderhammer (smithy in Beregost) sells the best rogue armor AND the best dagger in the game. Mages are probably the easiest class to equip because all you need are robes and a basic sling. If you hadn't purchased it yet, Shandalar (wizard in High Hedge) sells the best robes for your wizard.
Thanlantyr....and he only sells Good and Neutral (they're about 30k each with 20 rep and 20+ charisma). Though if you're a dick and really lucky, you could kill Shandalar at Ulgoth's Beard for a free neutral robe and 26,000 xp. Evil drops from a boss about 2/3-3/4 of the way through the game (who also drops the best armor bracers)
Obviously though, the robes can only be used by mages of the proper alignment, so as usual, evil gets the shaft.
Thanlantyr....and he only sells Good and Neutral (they're about 30k each with 20 rep and 20+ charisma). Though if you're a dick and really lucky, you could kill Shandalar at Ulgoth's Beard for a free neutral robe and 26,000 xp. Evil drops from a boss about 2/3-3/4 of the way through the game (who also drops the best armor bracers)
Obviously though, the robes can only be used by mages of the proper alignment, so as usual, evil gets the shaft.
In the meantime an evil fighter/mage can use the elven chain mail that's meant to drop early on (you can CLUA it in or use Shadowkeeper, if you can't wait until the next patch) or any mage (or Bard, I think) can use the Shield Amulet which you can purchase in Nashkel Carnival relatively cheaply, once it's down to 1 charge, sell it and re-purchase and it will be fully charged.
Don't waste your points on trap skills better if they're in her stealth abilites
Not necessarily e.g. in my party I have Montaron focused on the stealth skills for scouting and backstabs (now moving onto pickpockets), with Imoen on Find Traps/Open Locks, but now moving onto Set Traps (which are better after level 5 anyway, so better leaving until later). I don't like to dual Imoen as the down time is a pain to manage and messes up my party. I still can use her to backstab, but just use Edwin to cast Invisibility on her...
Take advantage of the terrain. There are 4 rooms, west leads out, south to the boss, north dead ends I think, and east leads somewhere good. What I did was hole up in the east room. Have Khalid and Jaheira body-block the entrance. That creates a pretty solid front-line for your casters to disable in safety. Furthermore, if you have any additional healers, you could keep them behind the line, so they can heal Khalid and Jaheira as needed. Just start the spells early. Don't wait to erase the damage done to them. Start healing when they start taking damage. Overhealed is simply inefficient. Underhealed is dead. Any character with Cure Wounds as a special ability is also really good at this sort of mid-battle patchwork, since Cure seems to cast far faster than normal when it's a special ability.
This tactic has also worked well for me so far when I need to rest in a dungeon. Find a room with only one entrance, or even just a small alcove, so that I can have the front-liners in front and ready to intercept the spawns that interrupt the sleep.
Thanlantyr....and he only sells Good and Neutral (they're about 30k each with 20 rep and 20+ charisma). Though if you're a dick and really lucky, you could kill Shandalar at Ulgoth's Beard for a free neutral robe and 26,000 xp. Evil drops from a boss about 2/3-3/4 of the way through the game (who also drops the best armor bracers)
Obviously though, the robes can only be used by mages of the proper alignment, so as usual, evil gets the shaft.
Saying that you only get the evil robes 2/3-3/4 through the game is a bit of a stretch. If you focus on the main questline and hold off on exploring too much, I'd say you could get the robes when you're less than a third of the way through the game. Evil characters are disadvantaged in many ways in BG, but I've never considered this to be one of them.
Thanlantyr....and he only sells Good and Neutral (they're about 30k each with 20 rep and 20+ charisma). Though if you're a dick and really lucky, you could kill Shandalar at Ulgoth's Beard for a free neutral robe and 26,000 xp. Evil drops from a boss about 2/3-3/4 of the way through the game (who also drops the best armor bracers)
Obviously though, the robes can only be used by mages of the proper alignment, so as usual, evil gets the shaft.
Saying that you only get the evil robes 2/3-3/4 through the game is a bit of a stretch. If you focus on the main questline and hold off on exploring too much, I'd say you could get the robes when you're less than a third of the way through the game. Evil characters are disadvantaged in many ways in BG, but I've never considered this to be one of them.
Agreed. In some games, I would much rather have relatively quick, free access to the evil robes from a boss you have to kill anyhow instead of blowing a ton of gold on them from Thalantyr.
Tip: Hold down tab when running around; it will highlight all lootable spaces / items.
Technically, if you don't mind cheese, you can obliterate most enemies by pre-trapping and resting till you have the max amount possible. This works best for enemies that aren't hostile till you talk to them. It's VERY cheesy though...almost on par with Fake-talk as far as exploits go.
I discourage it though, because it's cheap and greatly undermines how awesomely flexible and powerful traps really are, and causes some people to view them only as tools of cheese and avoid using them which greatly undermines the Bounty Hunter's reputation (my all-time favorite thief kit).
Obviously though, the robes can only be used by mages of the proper alignment, so as usual, evil gets the shaft.
This tactic has also worked well for me so far when I need to rest in a dungeon. Find a room with only one entrance, or even just a small alcove, so that I can have the front-liners in front and ready to intercept the spawns that interrupt the sleep.