Challenge: Solo Durlag's Tower as a Sorcerer from lvl. 1; possible or insanity?

I was thinking of doing something like this, but I'm unsure if it's possible.
In general, it should be allowed to get items on the way to the dungeon, but not to start the Nashkel mines questline.
I guess Algernon's cloak, a couple of scrolls, wands and the greenstone amulet is a must.
Possible spell picks:
Magic missile, Sleep, Spook, Blindness, protection from evil (maybe find familiar?)
Mirror image, Melf's acid arrows, knock, web (or glitterdust?)
Melf's minute meteors, skull trap, haste (or slow/remove magic)
Spider spawn, stoneskin, (maybe improved invisibility?)
Essential items:
Shield amulet, greenstone amulet, sandthief's ring, algernon's cloak, dagger of venom(?), ring of princes+1, evermemory, second sword arm, wand of fire/ice/paralyzation/fear/sleep, potion case...
Might use a fairy dragon familiar for the invisibility.
What do you think? Is this madness?
In general, it should be allowed to get items on the way to the dungeon, but not to start the Nashkel mines questline.
I guess Algernon's cloak, a couple of scrolls, wands and the greenstone amulet is a must.
Possible spell picks:
Magic missile, Sleep, Spook, Blindness, protection from evil (maybe find familiar?)
Mirror image, Melf's acid arrows, knock, web (or glitterdust?)
Melf's minute meteors, skull trap, haste (or slow/remove magic)
Spider spawn, stoneskin, (maybe improved invisibility?)
Essential items:
Shield amulet, greenstone amulet, sandthief's ring, algernon's cloak, dagger of venom(?), ring of princes+1, evermemory, second sword arm, wand of fire/ice/paralyzation/fear/sleep, potion case...
Might use a fairy dragon familiar for the invisibility.
What do you think? Is this madness?
Post edited by Jarleale on
Hope someone could give me advice on a run like this. Items, spells etc.
Suicide run I reckon mate.
I haven't gone through Durlag's yet in my current's been many years ago, but...were'nt there acid cloud traps and other types that bypass a mirror image? I suppose with the right protection those are fine to pass through...but that's the trick right?
To be honest, I'd say getting a scroll or two of prot. from petrification like someone mentioned and sneaking your way up to the basilisks seems like the best idea as that should get you to level 4 or nearly 5. At that point you can probably kill the battle horrors with magic missile spam and get level 5, possibly 6. After that I think it should be somewhat doable as you can kill almost anything given enough skull traps + rest cheese.
Edit: Oh and yea, since you won't be killing nimbul, you'll have to pick find familiar as one of your actual picks for level 1. I don't think sleep is going to be particularly useful down in durlag's though, so you could probably just swap that out entirely. I'd say MM + FF at char creation and then shield at level 2. After that maybe identify, though if you know a lot about the tower you probably don't need to identify anything, except wands perhaps.
I would add:
- a Ring of Free Action from the Gnome in Ulgoth's Beard (or as many potions you can find) for all the Ghasts/Carrion Crawlers
- a Ring of Fire (Gibberlings mountain) in combo with Fireshield lets you explode some fireballs near you. Add a potion of fire res and you can even heal from fire damage.
- start with 18 STR and buy the staff+3 in Ulgoth's Beard tavern, you will need it vs Clay Golem and Scheleton Warrior.
- choose Remove Magic, you'll find it useful vs Greater Dopplegangers.
@SpaceInvader Make a video!
No really, I just fraps hard fights.